19. I Rolled My

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I rolled my eyes before answering yet another phone call. The lines went crazy tonight, I thought as yet another woman begged me to represent her child in court. I scribbled down the date to meet her, rubbed my temples and closed my eyes after we hung up on each other.

I was already on edge today, since Kevin was still mad at me and Killian has not come out of his room once whilst I was at home. Not that I wanted him to, I was avoiding him as much as he was avoiding me. I guessed we both just weren't ready to face each other after what happened. But with Kevin- it really bothered me.

I had no chance to lie to Kevin or come up with another excuse as to why Killian stood naked in front of him with me- only wrapped in a blanket standing next to him that day. So I told him everything the same morning and to say Kevin was shocked, would be an understatement.

He was disappointed as well, repeatedly telling me how stupid my decision was and I guess that was when I finally snapped. I made it clear that I didn't want to see him or anybody that day. I let out all the frustration and all the anger that I felt towards Killian. Only that I let it out on the wrong person who was now still mad at me, not texting back or answering any of my calls.

I knew that he knew that calling me stupid was not nice and I understood his points. Hell, I even had enough points that went against ever engaging in a physical or intimate relationship with Killian Diesel. But was I listening to them? No? And I guess I was just upset with myself, because I would always make up scenarios in my head, where I stood my ground in a conversation with Killian Diesel. But as soon as he stood in front of me, as soon as he looked at me, those plans were just thrown out of the window and my mind went blank. And I was angry, because I had no idea why it was that way.

I stood up in my office and walked out into the hall of the law firm. I poured myself a cup of water and gulped it all down within a second. My head spun from thinking about all the clients I was going to have to meet tomorrow. I couldn't help, but curse that damn newspaper, that wrote about my success of freeing Killian Diesel after eight years.

At first I was excited, because I had gotten so many calls and clients, which meant money. But it has been months and it hasn't died down. Whole Silverthorne was calling me. And even though I only represented cases in Colgax, they still called. I was just exhausted and now that I knew that as soon as I got home I would be greeted by such thick tension, I didn't even appreciate that it was only five minutes before I would leave work. Overall, I was having a really hard time lately.

"Henzler law firm, Belle Valery speaking. How may I help?" I greeted the person on the other line after walking back into my office, my office phone already ringing.
"That sounds fucking professional." My eyes closed at his voice. Haven't heard it in three days. I hissed at myself for feeling tingles down there.

"Killian, what do you want?" I asked, my voice close to a whisper. It would not be good if my colleagues knew I kept in contact with Killian Diesel. Since even though he might not be my client anymore, it was strictly unprofessional to still be in touch with him. Don't even get me started on their opinion of living with him, much less sleeping with him.

"What makes you think I need something?" He asked, his voice slurring a little and my eyes widened.
"Are you okay?" I gasped, seeing a few bypassers glance into my direction. I smiled and stood up to close my office door. I sat back down when I heard him groan.
"More or less." He answered and I rubbed my eyes with my right hand.

"Seriously Killian? It's not even seven p.m. yet and you already got yourself in trouble." I said, glancing at the clock that was hanging above my door. It struck six thirty p.m. and normally I would leave my office right now.
"It's seven p.m. somewhere." He answered, making me roll my eyes.
"Even if, that's way too-"

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