28. I Took In

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A week later...

Belle Valery's PoV

I took in a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. I stopped and turned my ear towards the door to listen for any sounds. Now I was worried as I started to repeatedly ring the bell on Kevin Jensen's door.

Yes, I'm about to see him again after what felt like years. We haven't talked ever since he arrested Killian, who still didn't want to see me. And I never planned to see Kevin again, but after his worrisome text message, I could not just ignore him.

Need your help ASAP. I know you hate me and stuff, but I will die if you don't come to my apartment right now. It's really serious. It's an emergency. Please come. - Kevin J.

I was still confused by his weird message, especially because it didn't really look like he was in actual life-threatening trouble. It was only eight a.m. and I kept driving, even if I was supposed to be at work right now. I knew I said I was never going to see him again after what he'd done, but he has been my first ever friend and I couldn't just ignore when he sent me something like that.

"What the fuck is-" I heard before I smelled him. And then I saw him, my eyes widened as I couldn't believe them. I couldn't believe who just opened Kevin's door. I blinked, took my glasses off and cleaned them with my shirt before fixing them on my nose again. Yes, he was still there.

Killian Diesel stood in front of me with a shocked face. He smelled like apples and it took me a second to realize that he was half naked. His hair still had shampoo in it and I saw some of it slide dangerously low towards his eyes. The eyes that were staring at me as if I were a ghost. Those green orbs immediately capturing my attention. My mouth parted when I saw his close. But it opened again and I saw his Adam's apple move up and down.

"I-" He started and repeated that one letter. I couldn't believe it. Killian Diesel was standing in front of me, speechless and looking better than he ever did. I saw his hair, which was longer and thicker than I remembered. His eyebrows were as bushy as ever and his cheeks were covered in that hot five o'clock shadow. My eyes traveled lower, following that water drop that traveled from his nipple, passing this stomach and dissolving in his white towel. I gulped audibly before looking up at him.

"What are you doing here?" I finally found my voice again after what felt like ten filled minutes.
"I-" He started again, still not answering me and then my eyes widened when I remembered why I initially came here.
"Oh my God. What did you do to him?" I asked, brushing past Killian to call out for Kevin.

"What?" I heard him ask behind me, finally recovered from the shock of seeing me.
"Did you break out again and hunt Kevin down? Were you avenging your arrest? Killian, he's-" I stopped when he grabbed my elbow and turned me to face him.

"You think I'd be showering afterwards and opening his door in a damn towel?" He asked, his eyes looking hurt. I blinked at that unfamiliar look on him.
"No, but-" I started, digging into my purse and getting my phone out before showing him the message I received. I watched him read as his frown deepened with each word. He then closed his eyes and clenched his jaw before his hands came up to massage his temples.

"That fucktard." He murmured before opening his eyes again and looking back at me.
"He's not hurt or dead. He's at work, safe and sound, trust me." Was all he said, making me frown. How the heck would he know that? And what was he even doing in Kevin's apartment?
"Maybe too sound." He growled before he looked back at me. I was confused.

"But what are you doing here? And how do you even know what he's doing right now? And since when are you out? And why didn't you-" I stopped and looked at his shoulder. I remembered. He didn't want to see me. I shook my head and brushed past him. If he didn't want to see me, then I shouldn't even be here.

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