33. Epilogue

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About three years later...

"Remember when you asked me how many kids I want?!" I heard Killian ask me from the living room, making me smile since I already knew what was coming.
"Yes?!" I just barely answered when I heard another breaking sound echo through the house.

"Can I change my answer to none?!" He joked and I laughed.
"You're a little late for that." I said as I walked into the living room with a dressed up Phoenix in my arms. I felt my head already starting to pound when I saw what that breaking sound was.

"Maddox." I sighed, watching my boyfriend already on his knees, trying to clean up the shattered ornament under the christmas tree while trying to keep our son from grabbing yet another ornament. I grabbed Maddox' hand and crouched down to pick him up.

"Okay, hold on." I said, kissing Maddox' head when he started to whine. He hated to be picked up. I walked into the kitchen with my kids and put each of them into their high chair. Once they were in and secured, my other child started to whine, ironically because he wanted to be held. I started to massage my temples and was glad that Killian walked into the kitchen in order to throw the broken pieces into the trashcan.

"Change of plan, babe. You're going to look after them whilst I go dress up real quick." I said, already walking towards the stairwell.
"Hey! That's not fair. We said I get to shower and dress up first. You take way too long." Now I had a third child whining and I shook my head in annoyance.

"Suck it up." I said, visibly shocking him. I just turned back around and rushed upstairs to get under the shower. Five minutes later, the hot water was streaming down my face and I sighed in relaxation. Now that I was alone and having my well-deserved shower, I immediately felt better. But I also felt bad for snapping at Killian.

My pregnancy was a surprise for both of us. I actually found out only three months after Killian and I reunited. So obviously it wasn't planned. Not only was it yet another unplanned part of our relationship, but that baby in my belly turned into two babies. And even though we both were so excited, we completely underestimated the work. Especially since Killian was working and visiting school for two years. He graduated only a week ago and was now applying for Tenakis state college.

It was stressing me out when he told me that a week ago and I still haven't talked to him about it. Tenakis state college was on the other end of the state and he had proposed we find a house there. I knew it would be best to do that, but thinking about selling Barb made me feel so sick to the stomach. I have been living in this house for ages and now it was going to end.

But I was also so happy for Killian and wanted to encourage his thirst for more. I wanted him to succeed and go to college. So talking about how sad moving makes me was not something I wanted to do. But I knew I had to, especially since I've been snapping at Killian for days now. He knew something was up and always lying to him when he asked me was really not good for our relationship. I wanted to tell him, but not today. Especially since today, December 23rd we celebrated christmas with the Jensens. And also not tomorrow, since tomorrow, December 24th was Killian's and the twins' birthday.

Yes, the twins were born on christmas and I remember the day as if it was just yesterday. It was cold, the coldest night of the year and Killian and I had a fight, a big one. It was about Phoenix' name. We had Maddox for sure, since my grandpa's name was Maddox. I though Alexander would've been a great name for twin number two. But Killian was against it, getting really mad at me for even proposing that. I understood why he was thinking like that, but at the time I was mad at him for snapping at me. I smiled at the memory.

We were laying in bed, a week before our babies were supposed to come. Backs turned towards each other and silence surrounding us. I felt a warm liquid leak out of me and immediately knew what was happening. Killian rushed me to the hospital and after twenty hours of labour, we had received the best present anyone could ever receive for christmas. Our two biggest blessings came into our lives and ever since that day, Killian and I have grown so close, our relationship was already like a marriage.

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