24. I Rung Belle's

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Kevin Jensen's PoV

I rung Belle's doorbell and shoved my hands back into my uniform pants' pockets.

I came to the decision that enough was enough. She hasn't tried to call me the past week and I was worrying. I hoped she didn't give up on our friendship yet. I realized I've been too harsh with her. I needed to approach the topic Killian Diesel a little more discreet. She needed to realize that living in the same house as that bastard would not do her any good. Especially if people found out.

"What the fuck do you want?" Speaking of the devil...
"I want to Belle." I said, stepping forward to walk through the door, but that asshole blocked my way.
"She's still sleeping. Seems like I wore her out good last night." He growled into my face, making me so damn angry. And in that moment I snapped. I didn't care if he was a head taller than me, I didn't care about anything.

"Turn around, hands on your back." I said, grabbing my handcuffs.
"I don't think so." Diesel said, stepping back to close the door on me. But my foot came to stop it right before it slammed shut. I walked forward and went to place my hand on his shoulder, but he was fast. Too fast.

His left hand grabbed my wrist, pressing it back, drawing a loud cry of pain out of my lips. My hand made a snapping sound and I dropped to my knees. I heard a door slam open upstairs, but my eyes focused on the devil that was standing above me with dark glaring eyes. He leaned down to growl into my face.
"Come here again and try to arrest me." He said, pressing harder down on my wrist, my eyes widened and I let out another painful cry.

"Killian! Let him go!" Belle's voice echoed through the house as she screamed at her bastard of a roommate to let my hand go. He didn't though. Not until he made sure I got the message. Tears were already escaping my eyes as my head started spinning. The pain was unbearable at this point.
"Killian!" Belle yelled again and finally managed to get him away from me.

I sat down on the floor, scooting as far away from them as possible as I held my broken wrist. I looked up at Belle with wide eyes when she stepped around that prick and walked towards me.
"Stay away! Both of you!" I yelled, quickly standing up, ignoring the pain in my arm. Belle looked taken aback at my state as I backed out of her house slowly.

"Kevin-" She started.
"Just a one time thing, huh?" I started, referring to what she had told me when I first caught them together.
"You're so fucking stupid if you think this bastard will change. If you think he won't hurt you!" I yelled at her, seeing Diesel step forward.
"Call me a bastard again, you piece of shit." He growled, walking past Belle.

"Killian don't." I heard her say and saw her grab his shirt from behind. He stopped walking towards me, clenching his jaw. I snorted.
"Oh, that's how it is now. I thought you didn't want a pet, now you got a big ass dog." I provoked, knowing he would try to hurt me again. But at this point, I was trying to get him to hurt me. I wanted him to be locked up for a long time.

"Kevin." Belle gasped, stepping in front of Diesel, blocking his path. My eyes snapped towards her.
"You'll regret this. In a few days, you'll look back at this very fucking moment and regret not kicking him out. Not listening to me." I told her before I walked around and stepped into my car before locking it. Belle followed me, but I sped away before she could do anything, trying not to use my injured hand.

She'd fucking regret this. He'd fucking regret ever crossing my path! I would make sure of that.

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