18. The Following Morning

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The following morning I awoke with a groan, momentarily forgetting where I was. I felt something heavy on my chest and looked down.

Killian Diesel was laying on his side next to me. His head was on my chest as his muscular arm was lazily thrown over my stomach. His knees were curled up next to my leg, his back curved and I imagined from a bird eye angle it looked like he was an overgrown kid snuggling with me in his sleep, only that we were naked. I smiled, my heart warming as I lifted my left arm to place it on his head. Before I knew what I was doing, the huge man next to me stirred and from my perspective, I could see his eyes flattering open. His long lashes were hiding his green orbs from me.

But when he slowly seemed to realize that his head was laying on my chest, he looked up at my face slowly, a 'deer caught in the headlights'- kind of expression on his face.

He immediately frowned when he saw that I was wide awake and almost jumped away from me, quickly unwrapping himself from me as if touching me electrocuted him. I frowned at that and covered my naked body when he awkwardly cleared his throat. I'm so stupid. What did I expect after what we did last night? Oh God, we had sex last night! Killian Diesel and I had sex last night! Killian Diesel took my virginity! And he didn't use a condom! I gasped and sat up.

I glanced towards Killian, my hands still covering my chest. He arched an eyebrow in question, now laying on his back, his hands behind his head. He was still naked from last night and didn't seem to mind that I could see all of him- especially his morning erection-, it was almost as if he was presenting himself in front of me.

"We didn't use a condom." I stated, watching him nod before letting out a big soundless yawn.
"Get the morning after pill." He shrugged, closing his eyes again. I scoffed at his careless behaviour. This man! He was literally so frustrating!

"Jerk." I cursed, ripping the blanket out from under his body and wrapping it around mine when I felt angry tears arise. His eyes shot open and glared a second later.
"What was that?" He asked. I just shook my head and stood up from his bed, seeing that he now sat up to look at me. One of my hands swiped away some of the hair that loosely hung in front of my eyes as I turned to leave the room. I was so stupid. So damn stupid, why in the world did I do what I did last night?

"Hey, I asked you something!" He snapped behind me, taking a hold of the blanket around my body and pulling me back against his chest. In a swift moment he had turned me around and was glaring down at me, those green eyes looking especially bright in the morning light.
"I'm a jerk now?" His hands held me in place, not allowing me to turn my back towards him again.

"Well you- you-" I said, my finger poking his chest, not really knowing what to say. He was aggravating me and now that he was frowning down at me, looking at me as if I were crazy, all I could think about was the sex last night. And how much I wanted to repeat it. And I hated that, especially since it was my head now that told me to go for it. My body on the other hand told me no, since I was sore from last night. I could hardly walk, yet all I wanted to do was let Killian Diesel have his way with me again.
"I what?" He asked, waiting for me to continue.

"You're annoying me!" I said, sighing a second later.
"Was it me that forced us into this situation?!" He yelled at me, letting go of my arm.
"I didn't force you-" I started.
"Oh yeah? So you didn't use my word against me by making me stay here, even if I obviously don't want to?" He exploded, throwing his hands in the air. My frown tightened and so did my grip on the blanket.

"I'm trying to help you! You're throwing your life away and I- I just don't understand why. I don't understand why you don't even seem to want to get back on track!" I explained to him.
"Back on track." He chuckled sarcastically, shaking his head.
"Back on fucking track. Valery, I've never fucking been on track to begin with! I don't even know what the fuck that means!" He balled up his fists and I watched a vein in his neck appear.

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