13. I Watched Her

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Killian Diesel's PoV:

I watched her round that corner for the second time. I smirked, bemused by her efforts. She called out my name again and I rolled my eyes. Why this girl kept looking for me even after another week, I had no idea. But I decided it was enough.

She had come here every night this week and this neighbourhood wasn't exactly the friendliest to a nice little face like hers. I walked on the roof, following Belle, careful not to take loud steps. I leaned back and shook my head when she climbed over a fence. This girl.

"Killian! Damn it." She actually stomped her foot, making me let out a snort. I watched her turn around swiftly after hearing me. Belle Valery was full of surprises, even though I really didn't appreciate this one. She called out my name again and I clenched my jaw. She was going to attract the wrong audience if she kept on doing that.

And just when I thought that, I heard a bunch of drunktards pass the alley. I looked to my right, just when Belle did. She took a step backwards whilst looking at the men. They laughed loudly as they entered the alley.
"Who do we have here?" One of them asked. I took a step forward, appearing to stand at the very edge of the roof. Upon seeing my movement, the men looked up.

They looked at each other and turned around quickly before practically sprinting away. I crossed my arms and looked back down at Belle. She looked confused, turning her head left and right.
"That could've ended badly." My voice seemed to surprise her as she jumped a little bit before looking up at the roof in front of her.

"How in the world did you get up there?" She shouted, making me shrug as I crouched down.
"Why are you looking for me?" I responded with a question.
"You owe me an explanation." She said, making me chuckle.

"I don't owe you shit." I said, momentarily forgetting what she did for me.
"You don't owe me shit?!" She asked, disbelief evident in her voice.
"You're my client and-"

"So? That gives you the right to stalk me?" I interrupted her, getting angrier per minute.
"Stalk you? I'm not stalking you at all! I'm here to get that promise that you gave me." She said, making me frown.
"Promise?" I asked.
"Yes. Remember what you said? You owe me." I heard and shook my head at her.

"You already used that." I straightened my back again.
"No, I tried. But you didn't give me what I wanted." She said, watching me walk along the roof. I shook my head, fed up with shouting down at her. I climbed the ladder down on the other side of the building and walked to find Belle still looking up at the roof. I quietly walked to stand behind her.

"Boo." I whispered in her ear, making her squeal and jump a few metres away from me. I chuckled, which made her frown.
"Stop doing that to me." She warned, pointing a finger at me. I rolled my eyes and shoved my hands into my pockets.
"Stop following me then." I snapped.

"Then give me an explanation!" She exploded, throwing her arms in the air.
"Why would you risk getting back to jail? It's like you're trying to get arrested." She stated, making me shrug.
"What if I were?" I asked her, scowling down at her.
"Then don't, Killian." She said, making me close my eyes. Whenever she said my name like that, I had to close my eyes and calm myself.

"If you need a place to stay-" That made me open my eyes again. I growled lowly, stepping forward. Who did she think she was?
"-we can figure something out. You can stay with me for the time being and-"
"And what? Tell each other stories, braid our hair and have a sleepover? I don't need you or your help. Shove it up your fine ass and leave me the hell alone, Valery!" I snapped at her, fed up with her fucking angelic act. Did she not remember who I was?!

"No! For fuck's sake, what don't you understand?!" I grabbed her elbows and pulled her against me hard. Her eyes looked scared, but for only a second, which made me frown. She stared up at me now, physically relaxing against me. I felt her against my dick and realized that I was only torturing myself by holding her so close to me. I was about to push her away again, but she placed her soft hands against my chest. I was confused, looking down at the movement.

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