27. I Sighed And

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Six months later...

Killian Diesel's PoV

I sighed and leaned back against my car seat. Then I glanced at my wrist watch and saw the big hand pass number six. I looked at the entrance of the building again, Henzler's law firm engraved in a big white font above the glas doors.

She would usually leave the building now, but I frowned when she didn't. I decided to wait for a few more minutes, but there was still no sign of her. So I kept waiting, not wanting to miss her. She had to come out eventually. But after two more hours, when it was already dark and the building lights were turned off right before the last person walked out and locked the door, I realized she must've not been at work today.

So I sighed and drove off. I debated what to do now. Now that I haven't gotten my daily dosis of Belle Valery yet, I found it was only fair to drive to old Barb and see if she was home. So I made an u-turn and sped down the street. Twenty minutes later, I parked my silver Mercedes a few houses away, not wanting her to see my car, even though she doesn't even know my car yet.

I got out of it, locked the doors via remote and then headed up the street. Old Barb came into view and I smiled when I realized I've literally called that damn house by its name twice now. I shook my head, looked at the window next to the front door and saw the lights were on. I immediately knew the TV was running and smiled. Nothing's changed and that made me so fucking happy.

But I wondered why Valery didn't go to work today and my hand itched to ring the doorbell. But I couldn't. Not yet. I shook my head and was about to walk away when I heard a sneeze and realized it came from her living room. I carefully walked around the fence to have a peek into her living room. I frowned when I saw that her window was open. Did she not care one bit about security at night?

But my thoughts quickly flew out the window when I saw her wipe her nose and cough into her hand. Her glasses almost fell off her nose and I itched to step through the window and fix them. She was sick. That's why she didn't go to work today. I should've known after seeing her cough a few times on her way to her car yesterday and the day before.

I sighed and stepped back to leave, when I had to step on a damn leaf. My eyes widened at the crunching sound and I quickly crouched down, hiding behind the gate. I heard her stand up as the floor squeaked underneath her. She walked towards the window.
"Hello?" Her voice caused my breath to hitch as it traveled right to my dick. I wonder if that reaction would ever wear off. Oh how much I fucking missed to hear that woman's voice.

I breathed out in relief when she closed her wondow loudly. I waited a few minutes before moving again. But I never came up from the crouching position as I slowly made my way back to my car, practically crawling on all fours. I wonder how that looked like- a man my size crawling across the damn street. Thank God there were no people out. Once I was back inside my warm car, I sighed and immediately started it.

I went to the mall a few blocks away and found the pharmacy a second later. Before I knew it, I bought a bunch of pills, since I had no idea what Valery had. And After a quick trip to the supermarket, getting some tea and a few crackers, I headed back to her house. I stopped a couple houses away again, this time having a perfect view of her still laying on the couch downstairs. But she wasn't moving and her eyes were closed.

I took that as my chance. I grabbed the bag of goodies and ran up to her porch. I carefully placed it onto the matt and rung the doorbell. I ran back to my car and watched her open the front door. She pushed the glasses onto her nose and huffed as she looked around. It was when she tried to step outside on the house that she realized her sock covered foot hit something on the ground.

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