29. It Has Not

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Killian Diesel's PoV:

It has not even been a day since I first met Belle Valery again after half a year. I looked over at the alarm clock on my bedside table and sighed before rolling on my side again. Two fucking a.m. and I still couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't stop rethinking what happened today. I couldn't stop trying to come up with a plan of how I could've made her stay this morning. How I could've approached everything a little better.

But I came up with no solution and that made me angry. It made me angry a few hours ago and I let it out on Kevin. After all, it was his fault she caught me off guard. Just because that asshole couldn't mind his own fucking business. But as soon as he locked himself into his room after I had repeatedly yelled at him and shoved him around, I had time to myself and there was nobody else to blame but me. I should've been more careful. I could've looked through the peephole and just waited until she left again.

Or I could've fucking made up my mind before it had to come to this. I could've just went over to her place already and started explaining. I could've done so much to prevent her from running away from me this morning. But I didn't, I thought as I balled up my fists. Now I would probably never fucking see her again, unless I decided to be a clingy jackass. And that was not what I was planning to do. I would stalk her, yes but I would not force my presence on her if she didn't want it. I know it's cowardly, it was the exact opposite of how I usually was. I was always direct and bold, but with Belle fucking Valery, I had to think twice.

I groaned and turned around when I heard my phone ringing next to me. Did I not mute it? I picked it up from my bedside table and frowned when I saw an unknown number. The light momentarily blinded me, but I picked up anyway and brought it to my ear.
"Yes?" I grunted out.

I heard a gasp on the other line and sat up in bed. That sound.
"Valery?" I asked and heard something break in the backround, making my alarmbells ring. Was she in trouble? I placed my feet on the floor.
"Hi." She hiccuped and my eyes widened. Her voice was slurring.

"Are you drunk?" I asked.
"Bingo! Ching ching, you get the main prize!" She yelled in my ear and I cringed at the volume. I shook my head and stood up when she started to giggle and hiccup again.
"Where are you? I'm coming to get you." I asked her, throwing my shirt on and walking out into the hallway.

"I'm nowhere and everywhere." She whispered now, making me worry even more. Was she only drunk or high too?
"Babe, where is that?" I asked, slipping into my shoes. I heard her gasp once more.
"You called me babe." She whispered, making me blink. I called her babe?

"Valery, please tell me where you are." I sighed, getting my car keys and walking out of the apartment. I sprinted down to my car as she babbled something about the universe on the other line. Once I was in my car, I put her on speaker and placed her on the seat next to me. I buckled up and started driving.

"I'm coming to your house, you best be there at two a.m. on a Wednesday." I said, crossing my fingers. I heard her gasp again.
"No! Don't come here!" She screeched, causing my frown to deepen. She didn't want to see me?
"Too late." Was all I said before clenching my jaw.

"You won't ever find me!" She said and a second later I heard her run up the stairs. Oh, she was in old Barb, no doubt. I could hear that loudly and clearly. I laughed silently when I heard her get out of breath because she probably ran up the stairs. Considering that she was drunk and possibly high, I was just glad she didn't fall down. I heard the floor creak under her and then I heard her open a door.

I stopped at a red light and picked up my phone again.
"What are you doing?" I asked her.
"Nothing!" She answered. Man, why have I never made her drunk before? She sounded so funny.
"Just stay there, okay?" I told her and heard her hiccup once more.

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