30. I Woke Up

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Belle Valery's PoV:

I woke up with the biggest headache I've ever had. My eyes felt glued shut and only when I put all my power into opening them, did they eventually open. My vision was blurry and I lifted my arms to rub my eyes. I blinked at the brightess in the room, but let my eyes adjust to them.

I came back to my senses and realized what even woke me up in the first place. I looked to my left and reached to snooze my alarm clock. And then I realized that I couldn't move. I suddenly felt heavy, really heavy on my chest. I looked down. Then back up. And then down again.

My eyes widened when I saw the view that had greeted me only two times before. I saw his full head of black hair laying on my chest, his eyes still closed. But his mouth was opened cutely, disformed as if he had moved his head up, but his mouth was pressed so hard against me, that it didn't move up with it and instead opened during his sleep. His hot breath met my skin and my eyes widened even more when I realized that I was naked.

And I realized that he was naked- well he had no shirt on and only a black pair of sweats. I felt my sweatpants still on, but saw that the middle was ripped open. I gulped, immediately having a question pop up in my head. Did we have sex?

I shook my head, feeling it spinning and pounding at the same time. This was the worst I've ever felt when I woke up and I immediately recalled last night. I had come home from work after having repeatedly messed up the whole day. I just couldn't seem to distract myself from Killian Diesel. From what he had told me in the morning and just generally from what happened that morning. I had seen him again on accident and I was so mad at him for not even contacting me at all, this whole time.

And when I rethought about his explanation, I was mad at myself for kind of understanding him. And then I felt confused, because Killian Diesel came back into my life way too fast. No matter how hard I wished that he would see me in jail, I never thought I'd see him running around freely again. I actually started to grow accustomed to the thought of only seeing him through a glas wall again while we were being surveyed by jail guards.

So all of that was going through my mind yesterday. All freaking day. So I decided to do what I knew makes a lot of people forget things. Even though I was never the biggest fan of alcohol if it wasn't hidden in a sweet cocktail, I grabbed the only bottle I had- vodka that Kevin had brought over when we still used to be friends and went out every weekend. He had brought it for predrinking matters, but we never once opened it. And I think I drank half of that bottle before everything went blurry.

I couldn't believe it, I was actually experiencing my first mental black out. I could not remember a thing from last night and I started to panic. At what point did Killian Diesel come into the picture? How did we end up in bed together and why in the world were my pants ripped? My heart picked up speed as I groaned and covered my face with my hands. My mouth felt dry and I had a hard time forming any saliva to lick my also dry lips.

Whilst I kept thinking about how stupid it was of me to drink myself dumb in the middle of the week, I didn't even realize that the weight on my chest had momentarily left. Only when he opened his mouth and his incredibly smooth voice reached my ears, did I remember the man laying on me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, making me drop my hands. My eyes immediately caught his and in that moment, even if I had a response to his question, I could not vocally express it. He looked so good laying on his side, propped up on his elbow as his hand lifted his chin. With that dishevelled hair, those full pink lips and the five o'clock shadow. His bushy eyebrows were lifted after a minute of silence and I blinked myself to respond. But all I could do was nod. Killian Diesel didn't seem convinced as he frowned slightly.

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