16. I Must Have

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I must have fallen asleep on the couch, because I awoke a few hours later. I heard a door squeak and sat up. My hands shot up to rub my eyes as I looked towards the turned off TV. Kevin had stuck a post-it note on there, no doubt telling me he had a nice time but had to leave for work. He had a night shift today. I glanced at my wrist watch, it was around ten p.m.

And then I heard a loud slam and jumped up on the couch. I blinked and realized how dark it was in the room. I looked to my left, where I heard the door slam closed and only saw a flash of a tall man passing the living room entrance. I quickly stood up and went into the hallway, my heart pumping furiously fast. Killian was walking upstairs, taking two steps at a time. I couldn't believe my eyes. He didn't leave!

"Hey!" I yelled after him and scoffed when he didn't even bother to turn around. I walked up the stairs after him, following him to his room. His door fell closed right as I reached it. I glared at his back once I opened the door. He shrugged off his black leather jacket, not even bothering to turn around. I took a few steps closer towards him and pushed his shoulder slightly, hoping he'd finally turn around. But all he did was groan, glancing at me over his shoulder.
"What?" He snapped.

"Where the heck have you been? Do you know how-" I cut myself off. No need to tell him I was worried about him. He wouldn't even care anyway.
"I wasn't aware I had to give a daily fucking report on my whereabouts." He said, still not turning around.
"You don't, but I'd like to know where you are. Is that too much to ask for?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips, getting really upset now.

"I'll leave you a fucking note next time, happy?" He asked, walking towards his bathroom.
"Yes, Killian I am so freaking happy!" I shouted at him, walking into the bathroom with him. I heard him hiss before he shook his head.
"You want to take a shower with me?" He asked, obviously being sarcastic.

"No, what I want is you to turn around and tell me where you've been this whole time. Were you looking for a job?" I asked, genuinely wanting to know. I heard him chuckle lowly, sarcastically of course.
"Yes and guess what? I got a job at the local fucking office of bullshit." He threw his hands in the air, finally turning around. And I could see just how well his job interview went.

"Leave me alone and don't make me repeat myself." He growled into my face, his busted lip still bleeding. I gasped at his face before biting down on my teeth. He had a fight.
"What happened?" I asked, feeling like I've asked him that a billion times before. Killian Diesel shook his head, placing his hands on his hips.
"You don't get it, do you?" He asked, his eyes roaming my body up and down. I gulped, but crossed my arms over my chest, standing my ground. His eyes narrowed and we soon engaged into a stare off. After what seemed like two minutes, Killian's mood visibly shifted.

I watched a grin slowly creep up his face. My eybrows drew together as I wondered what in the world he was thinking. I hoped that my nipples weren't visibly erect again. But when he gripped the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head a second later, my eyes widened. I immediately averted my eyes when I realized he was undressing himself with me in the same room. My hand covered my eyes, but I was not ready to back down.

"We're talking about this. No matter what you're doing, it won't help." I hissed out, hearing him undoing his belt. My cheeks heated up.
"It won't, huh?" His smooth and low voice reached my ears, having a completely different effect on me than his yelling and scowling. He also sounded closer and as soon as I heard his belt hit the floor, along with his jeans, my breath hitched.

"W-why can't y-you just tell me w-where you've been?" I asked, mentally cursing at myself for stuttering throughout that sentence.
"B-because I don't want to." He mocked me, sounding even closer now. I blinked behind my hand. But then I felt something brush my elbow and I flinched. His chuckle let me know that it was him. I now made out his finger on my forearm, trailing up to the hand that was covering my eyes.

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