12. The Next Time

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The next time I saw Killian Diesel again was a complete and utter coincidence. It has been three months and a few days when Kevin and I were on our way home from a club.

"I'm telling you, he was into me." Kevin said, making me laugh. He obviously had a few too many drinks. But that was exactly what I loved about him. During the time that I got to spend with officer Jensen, we got really close and before we knew it, we would pick each other up from work or text during lunch and stuff. We were so close that Kevin told me about his secret, which only a few of his people were allowed to know. He was gay and the two of us made it our task to find the best gay club in Tenakis.

"He wanted to get into your pants." I said as we walked down the street at night. It was around four a.m., obviously a lot later than we usually leave. But I guessed the two of us really enjoyed our time in Club Ahoi. We didn't even realize how late it was until my alarm for work went off. Thankfully today was a holiday, so I didn't have to work. Yay for me, not so much for Kevin, who was supposed to work in just a few hours. We would see about that, but judging from his state now, I recommended him to call in sick.

"And I would've let him." He said, whining like a kid.
"Oh, why did you drag me out of there? Do you want me to die alone?" He asked, making me giggle as we passed an alley. I was about to respond when I heard a familiar voice.

"Now close your eyes and count to ten." His voice. I looked to my left, getting a glimpse of his tall body, his broad shoulders covered by his black leather jacket... and then he took off to run into the other direction. My eyes widened when I realized he had just taken another person's wallet.
"Belle?" Kevin asked, making Killian stop.

I watched him look back at us for a split second before continuing his sprint away. I guess Kevin realized what just happened and to my surprise, he started running too. Kevin was running after Killian Diesel and I had a feeling it wasn't going to end well. I took off my high heels, not appreciating the cold pavement, but a girl had to do what a girl had to do. So with my high heels in hand, I started to sprint after them, passing the now passed out victim in the alley. He didn't look beat up, just drunk I realized upon further examination. At least, Killian wasn't becoming violent again.

"Kevin, wait!" I shouted after the man, who had already turned a corner. I couldn't see either of the two anymore, I could only hear their footsteps fading away. But I didn't give up, I reached the end of the alley and turned right. Now I was confused, knowing there was a high chance that I was going to get lost. But I trusted my hearing sense enough to turn left this time and climb over a fenced gate. It would make sense for Killian to jump over that gate in order to have tipsy Kevin struggle. I continued my way down the street and once again, I was left with a choice. I climbed another fence to my right, but met a dead end. Oh no.

"Kevin! Killian!" I yelled, hoping to catch any of their attention. But I was met with silence and I couldn't even hear their footsteps anymore. I began to panic, especially once I heard a loud noise coming from around the corner. I held my breath when I suddenly heard slow and steady footsteps coming my way. My hand shot up to cover my mouth as I pressed myself against the corner of the wall. My other hand looked for my purse, but I remember giving it to Kevin, who usually carried them after a night out. I hissed at myself for that.

The person came closer and before I knew it, I saw a shadow. Oh they were so close now. My eyes closed and I slid down the wall, hoping they wouldn't notice me. I saw their foot appear at the fence. The person climbed over it without further complications, actually impressively fast. My heart picked up pace and my knees felt weak. That was it, I was going to die in a dark alley and I would only get found after a few months by accident. I already imagined that scenario.

"That's how you'd react if I were anybody else? What happened to making your own weapon and failing at stabbing the person?" I heard his smooth and teasing voice and sighed in relief. His voice was edged with amusement and I quickly shot up from my crouching position.
"There are no weapons just laying around here, Killian." I said, stepping out of the corner and walking up to him.

"What was that for?" He asked after I reached up to smack his head.
"You know exactly what that's for." I glared up at him, knowing he couldn't even see my face. It was pitch dark in that alley, the light of the moon caught by the thick fog and if I didn't hear his voice or now see how tall he was, I wouldn't know who he was.

"I didn't hit him that hard." I could practically hear him roll his eyes.
"You hit him? I though he was just drunk." I said, referring to that guy in the alley that he robbed.
"What?" He asked, sounding confused. Now I was confused.
"What do you mean 'what'? You're talking about the guy in the alley, right?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said slowly, lifting his arm to scratch his neck. My eyes widened.
"You hit Kevin?" I asked him.
"It's Kevin now, huh?" He asked me, his voice sounding angry.
"Where is he?" I asked him, ignoring his statement.

"Come on." He sighed, turning around and effortlessly climbing over the fence. I, on the other hand looked effortful when I climbed over the fence. My feet were cold, especially when they touched the cold metal of the fence, slowing me down. I guess Killian wasn't very patient as he scoffed and grabbed me when I was halfway over. He pulled me down against his chest, causing me to squeal in surprise.

"Thanks." I said once he steadied me on the ground again. He just nodded and I followed him out of the alley. He pointed at Kevin, who was sitting on the ground, his back against a building. I immediately crossed the road and crouched down to see if he was okay.

"Belle, I almost caught him. Did you see that?" He asked, his face full of excitement. I was happy that he was alive and very much conscious. You never know with Killian Diesel. I turned around to see if he followed me, but he didn't. In fact, he wasn't even standing in the alley anymore. He was gone. Just like that. I sighed and turned around to help Kevin up.

"I almost had him." Kevin repeated, making me shake my head.


I walked the familiar alley, now not scared at all since it was daytime and the streets were as busy as ever in Colgax. It looked way bigger last night when I ran around and got lost. But now that I could actually see where I was going, there were much less options that I could take. Much less turns that made sense. But even then, I didn't find Killian.

Yes, I was looking for Killian Diesel. He owed me an explanation for last night's events. He committed a crime again and I was more than disappointed in him. I was too surprised to even see him last night, that I completely forgot about what he did. Did he think I just let him out, so that he could continue to waste his days with stupid crimes, no matter how big they are? I didn't think so.

I had to practically beg Kevin this morning not to press charges. I knew he didn't like Killian, he thought he was a hopeless case. But I managed to convince him to just tell his colleagues that he ran against a door. Yes, I know that's probably the most stupid excuse I could've come up with. But I was in a rush and couldn't focus on things like that.

I had to find Killian before he robbed the wrong person and all my efforts would go to waste. But it really didn't seem like he was here. Maybe he just came here during the night? But I really didn't want to come back here tonight. It was scary, especially when I was alone.

I yelled his name once again and sighed a minute after. Nothing. No answer, no noises no footsteps, nothing. Well, I guess I have to come back at night time after all.

 Well, I guess I have to come back at night time after all

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