11. Three Hours Later

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Three hours later, I walked out of the trial room with the biggest grin on my face. I knew we would win.

"I told you, didn't I?" I turned around to watch Killian trail out of the room behind me, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. He looked up at me and nodded.
"Yeah." He said, a small smile overcoming his face. I smiled back.

"Your mom invited us for some celebratory cake at Darmetir's, do you want me to drive you?" I asked him, watching his smile fade.
"No, I'm not in the mood for a celebration right now. But you go ahead." He said, turning to leave. He was about to leave, just like that. But then he turned back around.

"Thank you, Valery. For everything." He said, giving me one last nod along with a roam of my body before he actually left like that. Just like that, I thought as I watched him hurry down the stairs. He was a free man now. Not so much of a jailbird, more like an actual bird. I smiled, despite the fact that he literally just left me standing here alone. I was happy for him.

"Miss Valery!" I heard a familiar voice and looked back to greet officer Jensen.
"Hi." I said, surprised to even see him again. I haven't seen him in almost two years, not after the statement I had to make back then.
"I saw your trial and I must say I'm impressed." Kevin Jensen complimented me, making me blush involuntarily. He was still really attractive, especially when he scratched his neck.

"Thank you." I responded, making him nod.
"Of course, of course." He rushed out. It was quiet and I wondered if he wanted anything.
"Well, then." I said, sticking out my hand for him to shake. He glanced at it and shook it slowly.

"I understand you're a busy woman now." He said, letting go of my hand.
"No, I was just invited for a celebration at Darmetir's." I said, not knowing why I thought it was a good idea to tell him about that.
"Oh, I love that restaurant." He said with a smile.

"Oh, would you like to tag along? It's just going to be me and my client's mother." I said, my manners getting the best of me.
"Oh no, I don't want to be a burden." He swatted his hand, emphasizing his answer.
"Not at all, officer Jensen." I said, hoping he'd still say no. I knew it would be awkward.

"Well, if you insist." He smiled, turning with me to walk down the stairs. I smiled at him as the two of us made our way out of the building. We walked towards my car. It was a Ford Fiesta, the model of last year. When I spotted its blue colour, I picked up my pace and unlocked the door per remote. Officer Jensen rounded it and got into the passenger seat, buckling up after I did.

"By the way, call me Kevin." I heard him say.
"Alright Kevin." I said as I got out of my parking spot. From the corner of my eyes I saw him glance at me.
"Do I still call you Miss Valery?" He asked me with a light chuckle. I inwardly slapped my forehead in embarrassment.

"Oh yes, sorry. You can call me Belle." I told him as I drove over a speed bump.
"That's a cute car you're driving." He said, reminding me that for some reason this man seemed allergic to silence in the car.
"Thank you." I said, turning the radio on, trying to be discreet about it.

"Did you already have that car two years ago? When I drove you home?" He asked me, making me wonder if he even thought about his question.
"No, I didn't even have my driver's licence back then." I responded, keeping up the small talk until we eventually arrived at the restaurant.

We went inside, having to overlook the usual business of it. But even after we searched for five minutes, we couldn't find Polly Diesel, Killian's mother. I sighed and took out my phone. She had texted me in the morning, asking me to come around five. We still had five minutes until it was five.

"Maybe she forgot?" Kevin Jensen said next to me. I nodded absentmindedly, but turned around after she still wasn't there. We've been waiting for ten minutes now and my guts told me that she wasn't going to show up. I worried that something happened to her, so I turned to leave, officer Jensen in tow.

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