9. I Didn't Look

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One and a half year later...

Killian Diesel's PoV:

I didn't look up when I heard the door open, my long hair serving as a curtain in front of my face. I clenched my jaw in annoyance. I should've been laying in a graveyard by now, which I really didn't mind these days. It would've been much more peaceful and quiet under the ground. But did I fucking know that an inmate has to be in jail for at least five years before he can be punished by death?

"Get up, you have a visitor." I heard guard Frank's voice. I didn't move, knowing it was probably a mistake.
"Wrong cell, I don't get visitors." I growled lowly, my voice even sounding unfamiliar to myself.
"Today is your lucky day then." I heard his footsteps approach me and eventually slowly lifted my head. He towered over me, his hand already gripping the stick attached to his belt. I stood up from my bed and offered him my wrists.

His eyes never left my face as his hand now blindly searched for the hand cuffs on the other side of his belt. Once he grabbed them, he gripped my wrists tight and secured the handcuffs around them even tighter. I gave him a glare, making him smirk.
"We don't want to risk you escaping again, do we?" He said, amusement evident in his voice.

I didn't answer, and instead just let him shove me in front of him. I waited for him to close my door and then we were on our way to the visitors' room. Because I was convicted of homicide, I was not allowed to have people visit me in the usual visitors' room. Guard Frank steered me to the other one, where the view of a row of phones next to a row of windows greeted me. There was no other inmate, which I didn't mind at all. Frank walked me to the third window and shoved me to sit down. It was only then, after giving the guard a cold glare, that I realized who my visitor was.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked her, making her eyes widen.
"Killian Alexander Diesel, what did I tell you about such ill-mannered expressions?" She asked me, making me snort. Someone took their pills this morning.
"What do you want, mom?" I ignored her question and decided against arguing with that woman.

"You're getting out of here. I have found a good lawyer- well, they found me actually and-"
"Mother, no one that you can afford will represent me. Or at least not well. I told you not to fucking visit me ever." I snapped at her, what the fuck was wrong with her? Did that red hairdye seek into her damn scalp already?
"And I told you not to say the f-word. Do you listen? No." She repeated, making me roll my eyes.

"I don't want you here. Leave." I said, hanging up the phone and standing up. I could hear her yell my name through the phone, but I didn't stop to listen to her bullshit. Never did, wasn't going to start now.

When I stopped in front of guard Frank, he frowned at me.
"Never going to understand you, Diesel." He said that with a shake of his head. I didn't answer, just waited for him to open the door and escort me out.


One day later...

"You're a wanted man this week, Diesel. Get up." Yet another guard interrupted my thoughts. I looked up from my hands and narrowed my eyes at guard Maze. He stepped inside, much more inexperienced as guard Frank as he was already holding the hand cuffs in his hands. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

I wasn't going to fight him, but just saw that I could easily get a hold of that black stick on his belt and strike him over the head. Imbecile... I shook my head but let him peacefully secure the hand cuffs around my wrists. I wasn't looking forward to see my mother again, but I appreciated every second that I didn't have to spend in my tiny cell. I walked slow, knowing a newbie like Maze would not dare to push me, especially since he was almost a head shorter than me.

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