// aight finally I moved the story yAAAY
Izuku was kinda nervous, little bit nervous, Katsuki's calm demeanor doesn't help because usually when Kacchan is calm that means some shit probably went down. He was reading some sort of books with a snake on the cover.
"Oi you stop being so stressed you fucking nerd" Katsuki said, tucking his book away in his bag and roughly ruffling his head, Izuku hisses and pulls his head away. His tail twitching in annoyance.
Izuku felt like he could hear everything, he was overly alert and his tongue keeps flickering because of the so many new scents all in one place, he was unconsciously closing the distance between him and Katsuki until he was practically pressed unto the blonds side as they walked up the stairs of UA, Katsuki just looked slightly annoyed but mostly, ignored him and the stares they were getting.
"Hey are you okay?" Izuku jolted and hissed at the person who happens to be a concerned brunette.
"Don't mind him round face, he's just stressed, animal quirk"
"R-Round face?!" Uraraka huffs "Well don't be so stressed! I'm sure you'll be able to do it! Go beyond plus ultra right?" Izuku just stared at her and stared until she sighs.
"I'll see you inside of UA then, hopefully we'll be able to talk more casually!" She grins before walking past them.
"GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY CAN I GET A HEY?!" The speakers boomed with Presents Mic voice, Izuku shouts out hey in panic before flushing in embarrassment, realizing that he was the only one who actually replied.
"YEAH I LIKE YOUR ENTHUSIASM! FIRST TIME IN YEARS SINCE I GOT A RESPONSE! KEEP IT UP CONTESTANT 1497!" Izuku squeaked and tried to hide his face, Katsuki smirks at him in amusement, it doesn't help the ever growing faint blush on his cheeks.
They just had a quick rundown of what the entrance exam would be, Izuku kept quiet the entire time, the entrance exam works like this, they have a practical exam ( fighting a ton of robots ) and then a written test, for now their goal was to destroy as many robots as they can to get a high score, he realizes that Kacchan would be in a different area than him and that almost sends him into another episode of stress.
"Calm down, be more stressed if you don't pass the exam you nerd, I'll fucking kill you if you don't so worry more about the exam than me not being your caretaker for an hour okay?" Izuku whimpers as Katsuki rubs his head before he left to get into a different area.
But he was right, he probably should worry more about the exam, that doesn't mean he is instantly okay and not stressed , he's still high on alert, his claws are already retracted and the usual slits on his eyes were blown wide, his hair ruffling wildly even if no one was touching it.
"AND GO!" Izuku doesn't even think he just runs, he quickly climbs unto the nape of a number two robot and and lunges his claws deep in and pulls, the robot stops functioning, is red eyes blinking before it turns completely grey.
Izuku jumps from robot to robot and building to building with ease, his light figure and speed helping him, when someone tries to steal his kills he just makes eye contact with him and lunge his claws in again, he's so glad he's running on high alert right now, able to sense a new presence with just a flicker of his tongue, actually it's not even flicker anymore, it's just hanging out there.
He wasn't really sure how many robots he already dispatched, it's actually being kind of a hassle since there's so many unmoving robots that people go after them even if they're already deactivated, he tries his best not to feel bad. It was already nearing the end of an exam and a zero pointed finally emerged, he doesn't pay that much attention to it but upon further inspection he notices that there's a girl trapped in a rubble of robot parts.

Medusa ( Quirk Au BNHA )
FanfictionIn which Izuku develops a quirk almost identical to his favorite myth, becomes self loathing and dismissive and Katsuki just wants to fight him when he doesn't want to P self indulgent Might have future KatsuDeku or KiriDeku Already has KatsuDeku r...