Heat agAIN

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Shoto was sort of in a predicament right now. He's been warned of this by Hisashi himself since Izuku had started to take his heat suppressant pills, something about Izuku having to go in heat atleast once every 5 months or the chemical imbalance will turn his snake quirk wonky, so Izuku didn't take his pill today. He probably forgot to inform Shoto since you know, they were supposed to have a super cool sleepover today.

Well it would've been a super cool sleepover but Katsuki was here- well supposed to be here.

Shoto kind of hopes he comes soon. Real soon, please.

"Izuku- this isn't right, you aren't in your right mind right now." Shoto murmurs softly to Izuku as the greenette whines ontop of him.

"Come on, aren't you always chasing after me? Today's your chance, come on please?" Izuku begs, it doesn't feel right, Izuku doesn't beg for anything, he demands for things and Shoto happily gives him whatever he wants but he never ever begs. Izuku kicks him down, sits ontop of him and refuses to stand up unless Shoto gives him what he wants and Izuku doesn't have to wait long. Izuku doesn't ask for things, he gets it the moment he wants it.

"Izuku, no." Shoto says, a bit more firmly.

He likes his cousin, yes he wants to do lewd things to him but this isn't him right now, there was no satisfaction when this person clearly isn't Izuku, there's nothing to break down, to tease and lewd, no one trying to fight back and demand things from him as he took his sweet time into giving, no one to make beg and reduce into tears and shame, this wasn't fun. It just felt wrong.

Izuku whines from above him, tears in his eyes as he tries to nuzzle Shoto's neck, Shoto completely ignoring him and texting Katsuki instead wondering where the fuck he is right now before Katsuki messages him back, there was a villain attack on the trains so he'll probably be atleast two hours away.

"Shouuuu- Shou please."

"Do you want to play a game instead?" Shoto asks, Izuku pouts.

"If I win, will you give me something nice?"


They played checkers on his phone, because Izuku for some reason, Izuku can crush him on any game but he sucks at checkers, but somehow, Shoto still lost, staring at the screen at Izuku did his final move, the greenette looks at him with a mischievous grin.

"I won, what's my price Shou?" Izuku asks, almost purring, his tail swaying excitedly behind him.

"Pets." Shoto says, Izuku looks a bit confused before Shoto starts to run has hands through his hair, Izuku's purring got louder as he leans closer to his hand, trying to get as much touch as possible from it.

"Mhm, this is good but don't you want to touch something more Shou?"

"No, keep accepting my pets." Shoto says, making his hands warmer and Izuku had nothing to fight it back with. It's fine, he'll just tease Izuku for it when he gets off his heat, he does want to turn Izuku into an embarrassed, flustered mess. Surely bringing up his heat would cause that. Izuku wouldn't want to hear how he begged for touch.

He sighs, if only Izuku wasn't in heat right now, it will would've been the perfect opportunity with Katsuki being delayed right now. He would endlessly tease Izuku, hug him, pull him into his lap and lean ontop of his shoulder, resting his chin there as Izuku nonchalantly scrolls through his phone, ignoring his existence and only care to swat his hand away when Shoto tried to touch more than he's allowed.

He can imagine it though, Izuku for once allowing his hand to stray further, pouting and shifting when Shoto stopped in surprise because Izuku let him touch him, he'd turn to get a better look on his face only to see red cheeks as the greenette tries his best to look away, his cheeks puffed, them Shoto would get the message and smile as he continued to touch the greenette from behind.

In heat Izuku would just let him touch whatever he wants, he doesn't need to get permission, how boring is that? Where's the thrill of finally having your crush for once, willingly give you their consent? For him to reluctantly grab Shoto's hand as it threatens to slip away, to do something else. To have Izuku wanting his attention for once instead of him in heat and just wanting the attention of anyone near him and breathing.

"Shit- I'm here!" Katsuki says, barging through the door, "I just got tired and blasted myself- icy-hot what the shit are you fucking doing?!" Katsuki screeches like the overprotective boyfriend that he is, Shoto stares at him in disgust.

"Izuku's in heat, I restrained him with pets." Shoto says, nudging to how Izuku is completely curled up to his left side as he continues to stroke his hair, seemingly in a bliss.

"You expect me to believe you haven't done shit with Deku while I was gone?! He looks fucking wrecked!"

"Well what can I say, I give amazing pets- now what, you want a round with him too?"

"Fuck no- his pills?"

"Purposely didn't take them because his quirk would get wonky if he just continued to take it everyday. He has to continue his heat until tomorrow before he can take one again." Shoto says, " do you want to hold him?"

"No, I'm getting his dad, like what you should've done a few moments ago if you weren't busy fucking the shit out of my boyfriend." Katsuki growls before he left the room. Shoto sighs.

Seriously, is it so hard to believe that he didn't touch Izuku in any weird places while he's in heat? He isn't that much of a pervert- well he is, he totally would touch those places if allowed but only if allowed, Izuku can't give him permission right now to touch him so it doesn't count.

Shoto was soon forced out of the room courtesy of Inko who wants to make sure Izuku is feeling well. Hisashi can't actually go into the room or risk getting into a heat himself and doing unspeakable things to his own son ( Hisashi confidently admits that he'd rather die than be forced to touch Izuku that way ).

"Sorry, can you come back tomorrow instead? It's Sunday tomorrow and there's still no school, you can just bring your uniforms." Hisashi says, he looks uncomfortable, probably because his instincts went off to smelling the scent of his own son in heat, anyone would feel uncomfortable, uneasy and incredibly guilty after getting turned on by their own son.

"Got it." Katsuki nods, "tell me if I can do anything."

"I will- and Shoto? Your dad will be picking you up. You can stay for awhile, what about you Katsuki?"

"I'm leaving, thanks for having me dad." Hisashi's face soured at being called dad by someone else aside from his son. Shoto dutifully sits on the couch until his dad arrives which happens sooner than expected.

"Shoto, its time to go home." Endeavor says, as quick as possible but it was too late.

"Enjiii! My sweet precious son is in heat, can you believe it?! And his boyfriend came over and called me dad! He called me dad, can you believe that?!"

"I will if you stop hugging me."

"Nooo! Come on I'm your brother, have some sympathy!" Hisashi sobs, hugging Enji tighter who looked at Shoto with a pained expression, Shoto nods, getting the message.

"I'm sure my father would like to stay longer to talk."

"Really?! You'd do that for me Enji?!" Enji looked at Hisashi with a sour expression on his face.

That was a good day, despite all the horrible things that happened in it.

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