End of arc

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Izuku was shedding, it kinda made sense due to the amount of times he got hit in the fight with stain but that doesn't mean Izuku was ready for it. He squirms in his bed, hating the uncomfortable feeling of the layer of skin on top of him, ready to be shedded off, he can't scratch it because it hurts when he does that, all he can do is squirm and helplessly rub himself against the floor, walls and bed, hoping that it would come off.

It was only his first day after all, Izuku has to wait until tomorrow to get it removed manually by his dad. He really doesn't want to spend his entire day like this.

"Hey Izuku? I'm here" the door creaks, the familiar voice of his cousin breaks through his hazy mind.

"I brought you strawberry milk, it's on the fridge go ask your dad about it."

Izuku watches, a bit wary of Shoto as comes and sits down next to him to the floor.

He absolutely melts when the teens hand made its way to his head.

"I figured you'd be weirded out asking your dad to touch your head, this is fine, right?" Izuku nods, incredibly happy with the relief he's getting right now from having his head pat.

"Iida is worried about you even though his arm was badly damaged, he got it fixed already though." Izuku climbs unto his lap, hugging him tightly, Shoto seemed a bit surprised but he doesn't stop petting him, in fact is easier to pet him now which is probably what Izuku was going for.

Izuku yelped feeling cold hands rub against his skin, he whines, hugging tighter.

"Calm down, just wanna check something out, look the skin on your tail is almost off, I'll help you" Izuku was about to protest, the last thing he wants right now is someone to touch his tail, he whimpers from the stimulation of having Shoto gently rub the shedded scales off him.

He starts to claw at his back, Shoto didn't seem to mind and continued to try and remove them.

"Hm, it's connected by a bit to your shedding at your back, wait I'm sure I can pull it off."

Izuku yelped out a moan when Shoto roughly tugged it off, he was drooling at the point where Shoto slid the shedded skin off his tail, he sighs in relief, even if that was really uncomfortable the relief of having that layer of skin off was amazing.

"Your dad told me I can't take off anything else but the tail, he said it's awkward for him to do that, he thought you'd be more comfortable with me, what do you think?"

Izuku doesn't reply, Shoto goes back to petting his head. His ragged breathes fill the room.

"I have to go back now, I'll visit you with Iida tomorrow." Izuku nods, slowly pulling away from the hug he was giving Shoto

Izuku wasn't really sure what happens next due to his clouded eyesight, he felt something soft pressed against his lips before it pulled away.

"Take care, cousin" Shoto says, leaving.

Izuku almost whines at the lost of body heat but it's fine because his dad checks up on him after, he hugged his father who happily hugged him back. He fell asleep to his warmth.


"Hey I'm back!" Izuku chirps, back to Endeavor's office, Shoto walks next to him.

"Father, this is my boyfri-"

"You already did that last time, uncle Enji isn't gonna-"

"Shoto I told you to bring Izuku, not a kid-"

"Stop messing with me!" Izuku whines.

"It's me! Izuku!"

"Oh... welcome back Izuku, how was you day?"

// end of arc, this is really short, I'm taking requests if you guys want??? Nothing too nsfw but feel free to drop s h i t while I ponder on how to do the next arc!!! ( pls drop some request I have horrible writers block??? ) ( also can ask questions about anything I'll try my best to answer )

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