Captured anyways

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The fight really wasn't much of a fight. In the end they all got paralysed by his quirk and Izuku is taken away, Shoto grit his teeth, trying to move but he can't, Iida hasn't been moving for awhile now too- where is his dad?! He told him he'd be here-

"Shoto? I'm he- what the f- Shoto?!" Endeavor says, Shoto can't see him until he felt large hands lift him up and in a moment he's facing his father.

"Izuku! My son, your father is here!" Hisashi says literally crashing from the sky, Endeavor watches as Hisashi groaningly pulls his body up from the small crater he made on the ground. "Ughhh- wait where's my son?!" Hisashi asked, looking around, "Hey Enji, where's my son?"

"In the league of villains base somewhere" Iida spats out, finally getting motion of his hands, he hissed, sitting up.

"What?! How?!"

"Hero killer was with them- and there was this bird noumu who snatched him up and we couldn't reach him, we don't know where he is right now..."

Hisashi stared, Endeavor suddenly has a bad feeling about this.

"Hey Enji, go get the kids to the hospital, I'm coming back home"

"Huh? Why?"

"To get my wife."


When Izuku woke up, everything was black, not because he went blind or anything, he can practically feel the handkerchief tied to his head, it was way too tight and uncomfortable, especially since his eyes were so sensitive, he whines softly and whimpers, squirming around the ropes he was tied in. He winces, his hands were cuffed, the metal was pressing unto his skin while he was asleep.

"H-Hello...? Is anyone there?" He asks. He froze still when a door (?) opened.

"Heya kid"

"Who are you...?"

The footsteps got closer, the guy sat him up and undid the handkerchief around his eyes, he winces and blinks, his eyes are somewhat foggy, no doubt that his shedding is starting soon again.


"Hi kiddo, the names Dabi, I would set you on fire but they said I'm not allowed to do that since sir Stain would be dissapointed"

"What's going on? Stain-san told me that if I didn't struggle they won't have to hurt me anymore..."

Izuku squeaked when the guy suddenly punched the next to him.

"Well you struggled too much... you know what that means right?" The guy looks down at him with a sadistic grin.

Izuku's eyes watered.

"O-Oi! I was just kidding don't cry!" Dabi said "look I have chocolate milk! Saw this shit at a vending machine, piece of shit got my chocolate milk stuck and I had to look under the machine for change because hell if I let myself be outdone by that stupid machine" Izuku's eyes brightens.

"Chocolate milk?"

"Yes, it's fucking cold, open your mouth up, you're lucky I had extra" Dabi mumbles, popping the cap open and letting Izuku drink, the greenette lapped up the chocolate milk like it's the best thing, so good that the strawberry milk ain't nothing compared to it.

"Will you listen now or do you want to cry again- you know what don't ask, listen we need your venom or something, we tried to get it from you while you're asleep and we're planning to throw you out as soon as we got it but we couldn't get it out"

"Huh...? Why do you need it?" He says, sounding a bit skeptic about it.

"Because you bit one of our.. 'friends' during the USJ attack, so either you'll give us your venom or we'll have to break through some other facilities and take it by force and maybe some lives as well"

"... when you put it like that... I have no choice but to say yes, you know?" Izuku frowns

"Good, that means you have common sense, now just stick your teeth into one of these then you're good to be sent off"
Dabi said, holding a glass that had latex over it.

"Um, since I'm... guessing that you won't let me out of this can you massage my neck a bit while I'm doing it? I usually wouldn't but I already gave venom earlier this morning" Izuku shyly shows his neck


"Just the area where my jawline ends" Izuku tries not to flinch as the older male carefully grazed his sensitive scales, he whimpers when he presses unto the area.

"Oi you okay?"

"Y-Yeah I'm fine j-just keep massaging it- t-the glass please" Dabi lifted the glass infront of his mouth, Izuku sunk his teeth into it. His eyebrows furrowed and his cheeks red as his sensitive scales were pressed and massaged by warm hands.

"Shit you okay?" Izuku nods and keeps releasing venom before lifting his teeth off. He sighs in relief feeling the hand pull away.

"Hey you did good, I'll just bring it to them, then you'll be good to go afterwards" Dabi said, standing up before leaving the room, Izuku let out another sigh of relief before he collapsed and fell asleep again.

"Why do I feel like I molested a kid even though I didn't...?" Dabi said, looking down at the glass.

He leaves the place and just a few moments after, the little shed Izuku was trapped in was literally ripped in half.

"Izuku!" Izuku yelps when he's suddenly engulfed in a hug by a girl he didn't know. He looked around, even with blurry eyes he can tell that almost everything was covered in pretty green light, even the grass who was slowly turning into stone was, his eyes widen.


"Oh um! Right, this is my hero costume, gosh it's been so long since I've worn it..." Inko smiles at him, the green light starts to dissipate and her hair comes down gently.

"Let's get you home, okay sweetheart?"

"Okay mom..." Izuku says, falling asleep again.


"So... let me get this straight, you put a tracker in your son's bracer, a bracer that he can't remove unless you specifically want to"

"... it was-"

"It's Inko's tracker I know, but seriously? How over protective are the both of you?"


"This isn't a laughing matter Hisashi, I feel bad for the boy who will fall-"

"Izuku won't fall for any other boy!"

"Are you sure? What about that Bakugou kid"

"He doesn't count because Izuku will never like a rowdy boy like him"

"And if he does?"

"Agh just agree with me for once Enji!"

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