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// pay attention to Izuku's tail this chapter uwu, also like the last chapter, this doesn't follow the timeline of the stories but it does happen. Pairing warning : KatsuDeku

Katsuki was staring at the slowly swaying thing infront of him, he's noticed this recently, Izuku's tail seem to be connected to Izuku's emotions, when he's happy it curls around him, when he's angry and moves like a whip, slow, twitching then suddenly fast, when he's sad it limps down, hitting the floor, usually when he's neutral, it curls up before it touches the floor creating a small curve at the end.

When Izuku was curious about something or excited about something, it seems to sway slightly, he quickly marks down this part of the lesson because usually Izuku will ask him about it after class ( it brings a huge boost to Katsuki's ego knowing that the greenette trusts him enough to know about the topic, obviously Katsuki doesn't know everything but heck if he won't try ).

This part of the lesson is somewhat easy once you get the grasp of it but if you're out of the loop, it can definitely be plenty confusing. Surely enough, after class, Izuku follows him back to his home, Izuku only asks to stay over to review with him when he doesn't know something ( Katsuki tries his best not to wrench at the thought but damn does it hurt ).

Izuku ends up sitting at the train, a nice businessman let him sit down at his seat ( Katsuki wants to tell Izuku that the only reason that happened was because the greeenette looked like a kid but Katsuki doesn't want to get clawed so he keeps his mouth shut... for now ). The tail curls at his lap as Izuku sits comfortably, Katsuki gets the sudden urge to touch it as it sits prettily on Izuku's lap, it reflected light off it like a gem.

Katsuki felt a smack to his hands who decided to try and touch Izuku's tail without permission, Izuku adorably pouts at him, his cheeks slightly puffed.

"He's a cute kid, who are you babysitting for?" The man next to him asks, softly enough that Izuku doesn't hear but his ears twitch as if picking something up.

"...just a family friend"

"I see- hey kid, want some candy?" Izuku's eyes widen and he looks down shyly, he almost made eye contact!

The man gently took his hand and places two tubelike candy on them.

"Thank you sir!" Izuku says, smiling cutely at him.

The train ride went off without a hitch ( "Kacchan! Are you okay? Your nose is bleeding... )... probably, they got off the train station, Katsuki buys Izuku a plain milk bottle, Izuku happily drinks it up, Katsuki almost bumped into a person while staring at the small amount of milk that dribbled off Izuku's mouth when the smaller male was drinking. They quickly get home.

The moment Katsuki opened the door, small pats and arfs were heard, Izuku's eyes widen and he crouches down, accepting Lord Explosion Murder into his arms, the Pomeranian barked and started to lick at him all over. Izuku giggled and gently pulled him away, the small dog couldn't stop barking, it's tail wagging in complete happiness over seeing his master's friend.

"You're more happy to see him than me?" Lord Explosion Murder ignored him, engorging himself on the hug Izuku was giving him.

"Oi you home you brat?! Help with- oh Izuzu-chan!" Mitsuki smiled at him, Izuku quickly let down Lord Explosion Murder who ran to her.

"Uh good afternoon Aunt Mitsuki! Sorry for intruding! I um, I'm reviewing with Kacchan today!" Izuku chirps.

"You know you're always welcome here! You're already like a second son to us!" Mitsuki laughs, petting his head. "We're just waiting on when it's gonna be official you know?"


"You know, when Katsuki marries you" Izuku flushes red and his tail starts to slowly sway before it stop, curling around him. "I-Um... I'm not... sure if Kacchan would want that so..."

"Nonsense! Either way you guys just relax at Katsuki's room! I'll bring up some snacks later! I'll call Inko too!"

"Oh! Thank you Auntie!" Izuku chirps.

Him and Katsuki go up the stairs and stay in Katsuki's room, Izuku sits on his bed even though Katsuki told him countless times not to, Izuku slowly sinks into the soft mattress and he giggles at it, his tail slowly swaying. Katsuki squints, taking a picture before sitting next to the greenette, he takes out his notebook and points to the lesson.

"I'm gonna guess you're confused about this one?" Izuku's eyes widen in amazement

"It is"

Izuku looked really concentrated as Katsuki explained the lesson in details, Izuku leans to his arm, trying to get a better look of the notes while Katsuki spoke about them. Katsuki stops only halfway done with the lesson, Izuku still looks plenty concentrated.

Gently, Katsuki makes Izuku face him, lifting his chin before pressing a kiss down to his lips, Izuku's tail slowly sways, Katsuki pulls away, it curls around him as he looked down, his face red. Katsuki continues his lesson, Izuku doesn't seem to be that concentrated, pressing to Katsuki but not because he wants to get a better view of the notes anymore, his eyes shyly darts to Katsuki and away.

Katsuki is finished with the lesson, he closes his notebook and throws it away before grabbing Izuku by the shoulders, pinning him to the bed board , pressing their lips together again but a bit more roughly, Izuku whimpers, letting his mouth gently part for Katsuki to explore- they quickly pulled away and sat up, hearing a knock on the door before it slammed open.

"Snacks!" Mitsuki said, placing them at Katsuki's desk.

Lord Explosion Murder runs in before barking aggressively to Katsuki and biting his pants, Katsuki hissed pulling the dog off, Izuku giggles, hugging the Pomeranian before letting it run off, Mitsuki quickly closed the door.



"U-Um, c-can I ask some questions about the lesson?"


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