This Chapter is ALSO NSFW

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// this one is ShinDeku, since it's Christmas why not make it a smut as well LMAO, but I'm warning, this won't work

At all.

It's been awhile since Izuku and Katsuki had started to date, nothing much changed ofcourse, PDA is not allowed in UA after all, well they still held hands but that's about as much they let themselves be seen with.

It's pretty obvious that they were going to get together at the start of the school year but for some reason... it hurts, he may have developed a small crush on Izuku halfway through but it's only a crush, it'll go away soon. He can will it away if he tried enough, probably.

But still, all he can think about is him, kind of creepy actually since he looks a bit like a kid, Shinso feels kind of a pedo but he knows Izuku is really the same age as him.

"Hey, you're spacing out." Izuku pouts, snapping a finger infront of his eyes, he jolted, sighing.

"Just got lots of shit in my mind."

"Oh... right, exams are coming up soon aren't they?" Izuku glances at him, Shinso meets his eyes, he can't help but think it's worth it, he loves and hates Izuku's quirk at the same time, it makes him look fucking adorable but the thing is that he can't even look at him correctly because of it.

It's annoying.

"Oh! Sorry I... I didn't mean to." Izuku turns away, his cheeks turning red out of embarrassment, it's so cute, All Shinso wants to do is kiss him there and then, and maybe fuck him raw but that's for when he's alone. Can't do that when your crush is, I don't know, dating someone else.

"Oi." Katsuki glared at him, seemingly ready to attack him if he upsets his boyfriend again, Shinso would find it cute if he wasn't feeling so jealous of him right now. He put his hands up in a fake surrender.

"I mean no harm, you angry tall gremlin." Katsuki squints at him in suspicion, Shinso doesn't know what he did to guarantee it but it's fine, he's had worse.

"Hey Shin, me and Kacchan are gonna review together later at his house, wanna join?" Katsuki looked about ready to object before looking thoughtful about it, then he let out a crooked smirk.

"Yeah, why don't you join us?" He asks, giving him a creepy smile, Shinso only said okay just because he does not wish to die by such a young age, gotta kill some villain ass first before he does that.

At the end of classes, he was about to run off but-

"Shinso! Wait up!" Izuku yells, he halted, letting the greenette catch up to him.

"Hey slow down next time, I almost thought you were actually planning on ditching us." He said, huffing, his hands to his hips, the only thing that was missing was a glare but there's probably a good reason why Izuku wasn't meeting his eyes right now.

"What he said." Katsuki said with a gruff, "Hey, you're not actually planning that, right?" Katsuki said, a sadistic smile on his face, as he draped an arm on Shinso's shoulder. Shit.

"Y-Yeah..! Why would I?" He laughed nervously. Izuku looked at him skeptically before shrugging.

"Lets just get to Kacchans house already."

They walked to the train station, only stopping by when Katsuki bought milk from a vending machine, it was caramel flavored, he had two bottles.

"Why'd you get two Kacchan?" Izuku asks.

"Vending machine was fucking broke, it didn't fall, I had to check for change under the fucking machine."

"Oh..." Izuku twists the cap open and starts to chug the sweet drink, a little bit of it dribbles past his lips, Shinso looked away, not noticing the strange look Katsuki was giving him.

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