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Today was the day of the UA sports festival, Izuku was feeling kinda anxious so-

"Heya kiddo, you ready to go?" His dad asks, wearing his hero costume, which was a plaid silky pale red tang suit with incriptures of dragons at the end of the sleeves, there was also two golden oriental dragons, one on each side facing each other and in the middle of the, was the sun, he was wearing plain black pants and black boots.

"Uh... you're coming with me to school today?"

"I got invited and I decided, why not? I have some free time and I want to spend it watching my son live, don't worry we won't get swarmed, not many know me here!"

"..okay dad" he said, "are we going to take the train?"

"With your dad here? No way, I got my assistant , Zhuli to come to pick us up!" His dad smiles, they walk outside together, suddenly a sleek black car with gold and red stripes came through, the gold of it seemed to be engraved with tiny diamond, Izuku blinked.

There's no way his dad is actually gonna drive them there with that thing as a vehicle and expect them not to get any sort of attention, right? Right? Maybe it's just a trick car. Inside of it was actually a cheaper lesser car-

"Zhuli! You're right on time!" Hisashi grinned, Izuku felt himself being picked up like a child, the car was probably custom made, it was bigger than most cars.

"Hey Izuku, check this out!" His dad presses something, he was holding a remote or something, suddenly the car transformed, two large thrusters came from the back, the roof of the car was withdrawn, the window shifted covering it instead, the tires folded and the car was suddenly hovering off the ground. Zhuli, an old looking butler waved at him.

There was no way no way he's going to go to school by train not by this monstrosity- no way no way no way-

"Ah hey, you uncomfortable? Don't worry the seat of the car is super soft, you can even sleep on it when you want, come on let's not be late okay?"

Izuku screamed inside as his dad opens the door to the car and plops him in before going on himself, the window suddenly was tinted black and Izuku doesn't know what happened but a few minutes later they were at UA. The window is back to normal and a couple of reporters are already zooming in on the car.

NoT mAnY KnOw Me FrOm HeRe, he repeats mockingly in his head, congrats dad, now many know you from here because you're a show off.


Honestly he should've never trusted his dads word, sure the reporters don't know him well but oh boy do the other heroes do, when his dad got stopped the 17th time he just ran and hope that his dad won't hate him for it later.

"S-Sorry I'm kinda late!" He says, running into the class 1-A waiting room, already in his PE uniform.

"Hah? The fuck do you mean, you're fucking early!" Izuku blinked then took out his phone to look at the time.


"Izuku! You ran off, I was just about to introduce you to someone!" Hisashi said, peeking through the room, how joyful.

"Who is it, dad?"

"Come on, you shouldn't be so dismissive to your uncle!" Izuku lowkey wanted to reach out to Katsuki, maybe the blond can kidnap him after all of this, "Come on, say hi to uncle Enji!"


His dad carries him out of the room and unto somewhere, he wasn't sure where but the room was pretty empty.

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