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Everything was quiet aside for the sound of scales slithering on the ground, every villain who opened their eyes can only let out a shrill scream before it was cut off by the quick permeation of petrification through their body as they turned into nothing more but stones, the moving creature scaling the ground did nothing more than glance at them before deciding that they're not worth his time.

Tomura quickly realized what was happening even through his mask.

"Nomu keep your fucking eyes down!" He said, he quickly plucks off a hand to the side, forcing Kurogiri to wear it.

Sure enough, Nomu kept his eyes down, but that action already caught the interest of the gorgon before them, it smiled, looking a bit pleased before it slithers near the creature, encircling it in interest.

"Nomu, punch it!"

And the Nomu did, the gorgon hissed, it's hair rumbling, almost like a head full of snakes, however, the punch did nothing more but slightly push the green creature back and make it angry, he tightly encircled the Nomu by his tail wrapping the bird creature in a tight scaley prison before tugging it by the neck and although the Nomu was strong and tried to keep its next down, the gorgon simply snapped it up to meet his eyes.

The Nomu was turned into stone and was squeezed hard, crumbling into nothing a few moments later.

"What the fuck is this?! Our fucking nomu is dead! Why is there a secret boss here?! What the fuck!" He glanced at his legs and noticed them slowly turning to stone but only on the skin, it quickly crumbled off when he shook it, he groaned.

"So that's how it is huh? Even if I have this shitty ass mask covering half both my fucking eyes I still get turned to fucking stone, is that it? What kind of crazy-shitass boss is this?" He got in a fighting stance "it doesn't matter, I just need to touch it once-!"

"Boss we came! We heard that you need back-"


The gorgon who was admiring the handiwork he did with the Nomu, snapped his eyes unto them, a few villains who didn't know what was happening yet and had their heads up, eyes looking straight, and locked on with the gorgon, the snake-like creature hissed and came close, its eyes almost glowing as it turned them into stone. It's claws sharp and ready.

"W-What the..." another villain said, he tugged his friend only to be met with cold cold hard stone, his eyes widen. "What the fuck." He says. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" He almost tilts his head up to meet the curious eyes of the green eyed creature. He loads up his quirk- to be able to shoot lasers through his fingers, strong enough to cut through stone, he screams and aims it up, though never looking where it was hitting.

Unknown to him, the gorgon looks fascinated as his strong scales protected him and only reflected up the laser, hitting the ceileg, the gorgon watched in fascination, before aiming his scales in a way that would hit the man back, the man stumbled, in a split second, it met eyes with him.

He was frozen as stone to the ground, a terrified expression on his face, the other villains did nothing but kept their eyes down and when one glances up, its an instant gameover for them, some of them chose to completely seal their eyes shut.

He hears a sudden shift in the air behind him, he quickly twists his body, a hand wraps around the golden bracer on his left hand, Tomura's eyes widen as the golden dragon scale band didn't turn into dust before he shut his eyes tight, he's not dying here damnit.

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