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// kay lets do this.

Despite Izuku being small, pettable and really the class pet, aside from his usual feeding hours and petting hours, he's actually quite hostile, usually the only person he ever talks to outside of his scheduled socialisation times is Katsuki or Shoto, maybe Kirishima if he's nice enough or Jiro since she's cool but that's about it. Everyone else he just hisses at and threatens to claw them and he's not lying either, made true to the fact that Monoma tried to pet him ( well they're still not sure what he exactly did ) and now his hand is bandaged up because Izuku clawed it up.

He doesn't usually get away with it but everyone saw how much Izuku warned the guy not to touch him but he still touched him and Aizawa let it slip since he's of course, a very fair teacher who doesn't have favoritism.

"I don't care if you're my senpai if you bring your hand any closer than what you're doing right now I will claw you." Izuku warns Mirio, but there's a loophole. If you can pet Izuku before his hands can reach you or before his teeth can react and bite you then he'd let you pet him until how long you want but the moment you stop you have to run away as quick as possible before Izuku can realize what just happened.

And Mirio is very good at moving fast. He's not sure why he does it, but it's genuinely fun and nice to pet Izuku, his hair is more like fur or silk or whatever it is ( it definitely doesn't feel like human hair but it's so soft), it's pretty much a game to the students, who gets their hand chomped off first? And Mirio is the one who always wins. Surprisingly even Katsuki isn't allowed to pet Izuku for certain times but if he does try all he gets is a lot of hissing ( which a lot of people thought were unfair, especially Shoto who gets his entire hand bitten when all he tries to do is poke Izuku )

But Katsuki is a nice person who actually respects Izuku's decision of when he doesn't want to be touched.

Either way, Mirio is able to pet Izuku yet again and the greenette and quick to suck up to his large hands ( his large warm senpai hands ) and looks like he enjoys it very much. There's a betting pool of how long it will take until Mirio gets his hand chomped but honestly, some people think that Izuku's actually gonna end up going soft on him like to Katsuki or some even think that he's intentionally letting Mirio get away with it every time because Mirio has superior senpai hands.

But there was one person who's allowed to pet Izuku at all times and not everyone is sure why. Aizawa-sensei, there was a rumor that he's actually Izuku's dad but that was quickly refuted when Izuku's dad came to school barging in through the window because Izuku forgot his lunch at home and so of course his dad bought him pounds of A5 wagyu beef ( already cooked of course and still steaming hot ) seemingly accounting to one whole cow.

For once Izuku was nice and shared with them but they're sure he ate half of the meat all by himself.

Eitherway, people keep saying that Izuku is the teachers pet- like no, he's the class pet, get it right.

Outside of class, the only ones to ever hang out with him ( or allowed to hang out with him ) is Iida, Shoto and Katsuki. Izuku isn't allowed to go home by himself because he keeps accepting candies and foods from strangers. Especially that one time when he was walking home with Shoto, someone tried to drag him in the alleyway and the police had to convince Shoto not to let the guy die off from hypothermia. Even more they had to convince Hisashi not to kill the guy himself after he found out about it.

And although Izuku can be hostile, he's actually easily bought with words and kind of oblivious to any sorts of situations, Katsuki refuses to leave him alone now since every time he tells Izuku to wait to go to the restroom or something, someone weird tries to talk to him. He understands because Izuku is cute and someone's bound to try to hit up on him but seeing someone really old try to slip in some cash to him to 'spend time' with him? Now that's creepy and weird- especially since Izuku looks so much younger than his age, if you didn't know him it's hard to think that Izuku's actually 15 year olds, not 12.

Katsuki's so glad Hisashi gives Izuku such a large allowance so Izuku won't accidentally accept one or something. And he's kinda glad that Izuku's pretty oblivious to the hero world too, not all heroes are good that's for sure. Thankfully Shoto's dad was looking for Izuku at the time or something bad might've happened and they won't be able to do anything legally about it and if they did, they might be the one getting the heavier punishment for using quirks in pulling without a license.

Either way, they had pretty good reasons over why they're doting and kind of protective over Izuku. And Izuku can get kind of territorial too. Not hesitating to defend his friends no matter what ( which is a good thing but also a bad thing since he doesn't seem to have a filter over things that goes too far ), Iida appreciates it a lot but wishes that it stops escalating into fights ( Izuku is really all bark and no bite- it's Katsuki and Shoto you have to look out for since they won't hesitate to punch you in the face if you say one wrong thing about Izuku. )

Today Izuku's going to have a sleepover in Shoto's house- Katsuki and Iida tagging along, Katsuki claiming that that he needs to protect Izuku's chastity or something and Iida just wants to try what a sleepover is like. Exams are coming up and they really need to review, even if Izuku is number four in terms of grade in class he can get pretty confused with terms, especially since he's so easily distracted by things. They already dropped their things to Shoto's house the day before ( except for Iida ).They'll be staying there throughout the entire weekend just studying.

Well it probably won't all be studying and they'll probably give up like the first day but atleast they can say that they've tried, Iida would probably scold them but also join them afterwards once he got curious enough to try it as well.

"My dad will be cooking us dinner, my sister is helping, it will be a great dinner."

"What's the menu?" Izuku asks.


"And uh... the drink?"

"The soba soup."

"Eh could be worse." Izuku shrugs. "Strawberry milk?"

"Plenty of it. I also have plenty of bonito flakes for you to snack on, don't worry." Shoto says, petting  Izuku's head with his left hand, he may or may not have made it intentionally warmer but Izuku immediately leaned unto his touch. Even pressing his own hand against it, trying to bring it closer, clearly a blessing.

"Oi, stop hogging my boyfriend." Katsuki growls in a warning, Shoto stared at him before he pulls his hand away.

" hands... are better than yours."

"Fuck off."

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