They've been teaming up on muscular for quite awhile now. They quickly learned that he his muscular augmentation pretty much allows him to have some sort of muscle regeneration as well, Izuku's claws doesn't work that well but it does atleast help. He's been biting him a bunch of times, to his neck, leg and arms, making sure to pump him full of venom before Izuku's inevitably swatted away to a wall or down the cliff on a couple of close calls.
They were almost convinced that it wasn't working until halfway when he reached to to grab Kota and in the middle of it, he turned into stone in an instant. Izuku sighed in relief. He's been releasing more venom than he usually releases and his jaws and glands hurt, almost throbbing against his skin and it did not feel good.
"Izu-nii...?" Kota looks up to him as he staggers.
"Woah, hey you don't have to do anything just rest for now-"
"No!" Izuku whines, "I'm fine!" He huffs, scooping Kota up into his arms and hugging him, "I'm fine, I'm fine as long as my clutch is fine."
"Clutch?" Kota asks, confused but Izuku doesn't reply anymore, just hugging him more tightly.
"Hey, Izuku I get that you're kind of in overdrive right now but we really need to get you back into the base, the villains are looking for you."
"Okay, I can walk-" is what he says before he takes a step and pretty much almost collapses if it weren't for Katsuryoku pulling him back.
"Izu-nii, you don't have to carry me I can walk-"
"No!" Izuku whines, nuzzling Kota, "you're staying with me."
"I'll carry you then!" Katsuryoku says, lifting Izuku up in a bridal style.
"If you drop me I'm biting you, I'm very close to your neck."
"I get it I get it, you gonna keep holding unto Kota like that?" Izuku nods, hugging the smaller boy like his teddy bear.
"I'm keeping him safe."
"I'm sure you are."
"Ugh, teeth." Shoto says as he looks at the villain before him named Moonfish, all he did was take a rock from the ground and then hit his teeth as hard as he can, chipping the tooth and then he immediately froze it. He chipped about 4 before the villain stopped from pain and then he just freezes him, he looks at Ochaco and Katsuki ( who is still whining about Izuku. )
"Are you two okay?" Ochaco nods. Shoto glances at Katsuki who finally sobered up but now is just 100% confused about everything.
"Hey, that was cool but do you guys see Deku anywhere?" Katsuki ask.
"Even when you're sober all you think off is Deku-kun..." Ochaco pouts, looking away.
"I don't see Izuku anywhere but in my bed-"
"If you don't shut up, all you're gonna be seeing is these hands."
Katsuryoku tries his best not to scream as he repeatedly dodge Dark Shadow's attack, the bird seemed set on trying to eat Izuku and its done nothing but distress the greenette. Agh okay he's using it!
"Izuku, close your eyes!" He screams, Izuku does and he materialises a shield on his hand, he quickly runs to a part of the trees where the moon shines bright, like a mirror, it reflects the moon bean straight to Dark shadow.
"K-Katsu-kun..." Izuku whines, snuggling up to him, "m-my clutch..." Katsuryoku finds it weird over why Izuku's eyes has turned milky white and over why his scales seemed to be turning duller and... whiter? Either way- Izuku's on the verge of tears!

Medusa ( Quirk Au BNHA )
FanficIn which Izuku develops a quirk almost identical to his favorite myth, becomes self loathing and dismissive and Katsuki just wants to fight him when he doesn't want to P self indulgent Might have future KatsuDeku or KiriDeku Already has KatsuDeku r...