Happy Birthday Shoto

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Shoto is the son of the number two hero from all of Japan. Endeavor. It would only make sense that everything he has and will be, will be spread to the media like wildfire, his birthday is one of those things.

Shoto thinks it's fine, he gets presents and gifts, sometimes money. He congratulated himself for surviving another year since his birth, eats some good food, gets special treatment for the day, all that jazz. But there's only one thing he wants this day.

A kiss.

"Izuku, it's my birthday." Shoto says to Izuku amidst his birthday party, his friends are here. Well his friend is here, Izuku is here, Katsuki came as a tag along. Endeavor left them to their own devices, leaving them a non alcoholic grape wine which they call juice.

"Yeah, I know, since I came here with your gift and stuff." Izuku says, Katsuki glances at him since he was right as Izuku's side, holding hands with him and Shoto has never been more disgusted at the sight of it. He's the one who should be doing the hand holding, not this guy with sweaty palms, how does Izuku even enjoy this?

"I don't care about that, since it's my birthday I want a kiss." Izuku was about to respond but Katsuki was already retaliation.

"Just go buy a hooker you fucker." He growls, protectively shielding Izuku away from him, Shoto raises a brow.

"I didn't say anything yet, don't get defensive."

"What were you planning to say then?" Izuku says, peeking from Katsuki's back.

"Ah right, Izuku, I want that kiss from you-"


"I don't mind getting more than a kiss from Izuku-"

"Kacchan, it's fine, it's just a kiss." Izuku shrugs, "It's his birthday anyways..." he mutters, coming up from behind Katsuki who stared at him wide eyed.

"Deku- are you really gonna-?" Izuku stood on the tips of his toes and delivered the kiss, to Shoto's forehead. Before coming back down to get more of the wine which he promptly fills his cup with.

"Hey Deku, I searched that snakes will get malnourished eating fruits, are you allowed to drink grape juice?"

"Kacchan, I still eat a lot of meat, I can eat other stuffs as well, I'm also human too, you know." Izuku says, taking a sip of his wine with a straw Katsuki put in his cup as a precaution because he didn't want Izuku to drink too much.

"Izuku, that wasn't a kiss."

"Sure it was, it's a kiss, to the forehead, isn't it?"

"...I want another one."

"And where do you want it?" Katsuki ask, raising a brow.

"On my mouth."

"Got it." Katsuki says walking towards him.

This is not going as planned.

Just as Katsuki was about to slam their heads together, Shoto managed to block his mouth with a hand, trying to push Katsuki off of his face.

"I don't want it from you."

"And why the hell not? You just wanted a fucking kiss, right? Shut up and accept the kiss, fucker!" Shoto grunts as Katsuki pushed even harder.

"No, you're not Izuku, I don't want it from you."

"Why not?"

"I won't get stoned by your saliva." He says as a last ditch effort to stop him from kissing him. Katsuki backed off and he would've sighed in relief if only he didn't see that crooked smirk from Katsuki.

"Hey Deku."

"Yes Kacchan?" Izuku asks, picking the vegetables off the burgers his dad cooked for them.

"Come here." Izuku sighed, wiping his hands with some tissues before he comes up to Kacchan, Shoto feels like he's about to see a horrible scene.

If Izuku wasn't alert earlier, he was now, squeaking as Katsuki lifted him up and landed him on the table, a few inches off the the wine, Shoto has never felt so disgusted, horrified and horny at the same time as they had a make out session on the table before Katsuki pulled away and he felt great danger upon him.

Shoto tried not to gag as Katsuki practically shoved his tongue inside of Shoto, soon finding why when he found himself completely frozen seconds after.

"There ya go, served fresh and has a nice wine after-taste, don't you think so?"

"K-Kacchan... I can't believe you did that..." Izuku pouts, "Kacchan kissed another person- my very own cousin infront of me... didn't even ask if he could..."

The smug look from Katsuki changed to complete panic seeing tears pool down Izuku's eyes, the greenette dejectedly goes back to picking vegetables off their burgers but a bit lethargic, if you look a bit more closely you'll see the mischievousness in Izuku's eyes and his exaggerated movements at being 'lethargic' but to a panicking boyfriend who feels like he just betrayed his partner, it's pretty hard to distinguish.

"H-Hey D-Deku, I was- I didn't mean to-"

"You didn't mean to kiss him and shove your tongue in his mouth?" Izuku asks, his voice soft, Katsuki stills.

"If your gonna lie... atleast make it realistic, Kacchan..." Izuku sounds more dejected, munching on a burger, "you did that right after just kissing me too... it's like an indirect kiss from me to him, you know?"

Shoto notices that and turns ecstatic much to Katsuki's dismay, "It's like I didn't even kiss you..." Izuku says with a pout, "I don't wanna kiss Kacchan anymore, like ever-" Izuku squeaks when Katsuki hugs him, he huffs but doesn't make any movements to removing the blond.

"I-I'm Sorry, won't do it again, I promise..."

"Really? But Kacchan has the guts to do that right infront of me, there's no way Kacchan won't do it when I'm not actually looking..."

"Come on, what can I do to make it up to you? I'll do anything, please don't be mad at me anymore." Katsuki says, sounding a bit desperate.

"You'll do anything?"


"Even if I say you can't kiss me for a month?"


"Two months?"



"I won't kiss you for the rest of my life if it means you won't leave me!" Katsuki says, flustered, Izuku's eyes widened, a bit shocked before he couldn't stop and let's out a soft giggle, reaching up to kiss Katsuki on the lips, making the blond confused.

"...Does this mean you aren't mad anymore?" Izuku nods, kissing him on the cheek.

"Okay but for that, watch me kiss Shou then and see how we react."

"Eh wait why? You're actually gonna kiss him?"

"It's his birthday. And payback for you kissing him." Izuku mutters, Shoto snaps his attention at them, about to chug down a whole bottle of wine that doesn't look like grape juice from the sappy shit he just saw. He quickly hides it behind him.

"Uh... what is it?"

Izuku extends his hands out to him and closes his eyes.

"Kiss, for your birthday."


And so Izuku got railed.

The end.


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