Eyes down

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// get a load of the good times from the last chapter while u still can, you'll probably need it uwu

Hitoshi entered the stadium after their names was announced, out of luck he managed to be in the first match, he was ready to be pushed out of the arena, be made fun of, he was used to all these things, with Izuku being his first match, there's no doubt that it would happen, the only thing he has going on for him is his quirk, it was probably stupid, how much he relies on his quirk.

He wasn't strong, he wasn't fast, he had no energy or motivation to ever train, all he can rely on was his quirk, his villainous quirk, and with Izuku already knowing beforehand what his quirk is supposed to be, he's ready.

Or maybe not...?

He watched Izuku come out to the stadium, he looked a bit unnerved, anxious, determined but nervous, he looked a bit tired, his hair didn't glow nor move, his scale seems a little duller, his tail kept on twitching, as if annoyed or scared, he wasn't sure what he's trying to convey, he was looking down on the ground, Shinso couldn't see what expression he's doing right now and maybe it's for the best.

"MATCH START!" Present Mics loud voice called out, everything was quiet, Izuku stayed unmoving from his position, then he lunged at him, kicking him hard to the side, he tumbled, a few inches off getting out of the stage, Shinso doesn't know why but he looked at Izuku straight in the eye.

He looked like he doesn't want to do this.

There was no light reflecting on his eyes and even though the only thing he did was kick Shinso, he looked exhausted, tired, like he doesn't want to be here, he doesn't want to do this, but he feels compelled to. His eyes were half lidded, his quirk was weaker, not hitting him at full force, if Shinso wanted he could stand up.

He doesn't.

"Can Hitoshi move?" He can,

He doesn't.

"Midoriya Izuku is the winner!"

Izuku was quiet as the crowd cheered for him.

"You could've moved." He says.

"You we're doing it on purpose?"

"..." Izuku doesn't reply but the answer is clear.

"I don't know what you're doing, and why you're doing it, but if you think you'll be able to get pass everyone else without giving your all then you're wrong."


"I don't know you that well, I don't know what the heck happened during the lunch break or whatever but I know from how I know you that you're not like this, why the hell would you give me the chance to win the competition?"

"It doesn't matter now, it's not like you took it, did you?"

"... let's talk, follow me"

Izuku stilled from Shinso's quirk, with no choice, he followed Shinso to the exit until they reached the waiting room for general education students, it was empty, most of the students from the class were probably busy watching the other matches.

"What's got you acting like that?"


"Let me rephrase that, tell me what's wrong" Izuku grit his teeth.

"Not budging huh, you're more resilient to my quirk than I gave you credit for, I'll repeat it for you, tell me what's wrong"

"Shoto told me that I may be a product of quirk marriage because of my father's abilities and my moms, then he starts accusing my dad of forcing my mom into marriage or that I was made because of a mistake then he told me that he expects me to fight him at the stadium because my dad is a number one hero and he expects me to be as good as him, I wanted you to stand up and maybe push me off instead because I didn't want that, I didn't want to fight him after hearing all those things from him I just wanted to get away from him and hide but you didn't stand up and-"

"Stop" Izuku stopped, his pupils blown wide, his entire body is tense, if he wasn't affected by Shinso's quirk right now he'd probably be curled up on the ground instead.

"Breathe, slowly, take a deep breath for four seconds then release, do this repeatedly until I tell you to stop"

Izuku did, after a few minutes he seems calmer than before, he still seems tense but his pupils aren't blown wide anymore.

"Are you uncomfortable here? Do you want to go somewhere else? Shake your head if you want to leave" Izuku doesn't.

"Why? Tell me"

"I don't want to run into him"

"Then you can stay here until your name is called again, listen, you're safe here, he won't find you here, if he did, I'll ward him off, I won't let him see you, there's nothing to be afraid off, nod if you understand" Izuku nods, seeming less tense than before.

Shinso flicks his forehead, Izuku stumbles, Shinso helps him up.

"Why... would you?"

"I'm planning to become a hero, I'm not gonna act like an asshole just because I can"

"You could've just ignored me, you didn't have to stick your nose in my business"

"Midoriya, sticking your nose to where it doesn't belong is the essence of being a hero, do you need water?"

"I was such a dick to you"

"Congrats, you want water or no?"

"... I want water"

"There you go, that was easy right? Maybe if you continue being like this we can have a proper conversation one day" Shinso mutters, he takes a plastic cup next to the water dispenser and lets it fill with water before giving the cup to Izuku, the greenette took it and chugged it like he was just in a dessert and this was the last cup of water he'll ever have for the rest of his entire life, after he gulped all the contents down he placed the cup to the table.

"You alright?" Izuku nods, still looking exhausted.

"You can sleep, I'll just wake you up when it's time for your match" Izuku nods, scooting closer to the table, he put his head down and covers it with his arms. Shinso sighs in relief.

It's fine, he still has next year to compete, next time he'll win.

It'll probably be for the best of Izuku stayed here, the next match has Todoroki in it after all.


"Oi has anyone of you seen Deku?" Katsuki asks to his classmates, Todoroki had just iced the shit out of Sero down at the arena.

"Not really, why dude?"

Katsuki huffs and leaves, his match would be the last, he has time to spare, where the shit was Izuku?!

"It would do you well if you don't eavesdrop in private conversations you know you're not meant to hear" Todoroki says as Katsuki walks past him, his eyes widen.


"I'm looking for him as well, why don't we walk together-"

"Fuck no! You expect me to be friendly with your half and half ass when you said all that shit to him?! Fuck off!"

"For someone who calls him useless, you seem fond of him"

"That's none of your fucking business"

"So was our conversation yet you stuck your nose into it, didn't you?"


"I don't know what you are to him but don't drag him down, I expect to fight him with full power"

"I'll fucking beat your ass"

"You already know the match ups, I won, and I'll fight him the next half of the match."

Katsuki ignores him and keeps walking, Shoto only glances at his leaving figure before going back to watch the other matches.

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