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Izuku was pretty happy to be back from the internships, even though he did have a bit of a scuffle, you know, getting kidnapped isn't all that nice but it was fine since his mom came to save him, he still hasn't talked with Katsuki yet, the blond seemed to be actively avoiding him in school. He's currently in bed, talking to his friends, he doesn't really have anything to do.

He glanced at the time on his phone, it was way past his bed time ( he wasn't allowed to stay up till 11:00 pm ), still he doesn't really feel that sleepy. Iida messages him about the importance of keeping a sleep schedule but uh, Izuku doesn't really want to do that right now, surely his parents are already asleep right?

He gets off his bed, landing without making a noise, he opened the door out of his room and it was somewhat dark, his pupils dilate, trying to suck in as much light to see much more clearly. It takes a few moments for his eyes to adjust to the darkness but it happens soon enough, now to get some mango yogurt for some reason he's craving.

Atleast he was about to until he felt something loud in the kitchen, something... slapping?

A lot of things ran into Izuku's head, the first thing that popped up was very very unpleasant, thankfully his thoughts of his parents doing things to each other while he was asleep was cleared up but he's not sure if he likes it.

"What do you mean you're planning to get him away from here?! This is where he grew up Hisashi, he grew up with me and this place! I'm not letting you take him away from here!"

"Inko won't you listen?! The league of villains main base is in Japan! Right here! If you want I'll let you leave with him, this place just isn't safe anymore!"

"So you don't trust me to keep him safe?! I've spent 15 years of my life, 16 if you add him being in my womb, who are you to decide what is best for him when you haven't even been in his life for a year?!"

"Well he wasn't fucking safe here, he still got kidnapped and under the number two's hero watch for for fucksake! I'm not trusting heroes here, All Might or not! He's going to-"

"Then trust me with him! I can take care of him just fine!"

"If you could do that then he wouldn't have be-"

"You weren't the one who gave up their entire career for a kid I didn't even want just because some fucknut, some drunk fucknut decided that they're going to drink more than they can Hisashi! My entire life, my entire body and my entire career! Three things you took away from me already, and you're planning to take more?!"


Izuku closed the door to his room and retreated back to his bed.

Atleast he knows that his room was made sound proof now and now he also knows that it was made that way for a reason.


"Izuku? Wake up sweetie, it's time for breakfast." His mothers sweet smiling face greeted him, Izuku blinks, sitting up straight, maybe he just had a horrible dream, maybe none of the things he heard were actually true, seeing his mothers smiling face, there's no way that Inko hates him, right?


Inko left the room, Izuku to9k a shower, he doesn't know why but he spent more time in the shower sitting there under the water rather than actually cleaning himself up. He isn't sure he wants to go to school but he's rather go there than stay here.

"That was just a dream, right?" He asks, to no one in particular.

"Right right, there's no way that wasn't a dream, mom and dad loves each other, and I love them both then they also love me."

They're not keeping him just because they feel the need to take responsibility over him, right?

Shoto's word from the sports festival rang clear, Izuku slaps himself, he promised himself not to think about that anymore, Shoto was just lying, he was just messing with him, his parents aren't like that, they aren't like that, they loved Izuku and Izuku loved them, that's all there is to it.

He dries himself up with a towel and quickly wears his uniform. He looked at himself in the mirror, for once Izuku actually looks tired, his hair a bit messier than before, a few strands twitching everynow and then, Izuku for once, thanks the fact that he looks like a kid, he doesn't seem that much tired, he's sure no one can find him out, probably.

Izuku comes out of his room, even though the smell of meat wafted through the air Izuku didn't feel that hungry, maybe he'll just take his lunch box and leave, he's not sure he can stomach anything right now.

Izuku comes in the kitchen, ignoring his father's good morning, he took his lunch box gently unto his hand and planned to leave. Planned to.

"Izuku? Aren't you going to eat breakfast first?" Inko's voice asked, Izuku stilled.

"Ah... I'm kinda running late because I woke up kinda late today" Izuku smiles, "I think I'll just eat at lunch toda-"

"If UA is a school that won't let their students come late then I think you shouldn't study there anymore Izuku, you'll never catch a break there! Top school or not!" His father says, munching on a pancake, "I know some other good schools you can get into easily instead, still at the top of course." Izuku frowns.

"N-No thanks, I really like it there..." he mumbles, "I-I guess I can stay for a bit."

Even though Izuku's stomach was protesting not to eat anything, Izuku still did anyways, even though Izuku was a small, slow eater, half way through his first pancake he already felt like vomiting, yet he pushed through and finished his second one.

"Okay I really have to go now!" Izuku chirps, "bye mom, dad! I'm stay at Kacchan's later okay?"

"Don't come home late! And if you are I want Bakugou with you, okay sweetie?" Inko smiles at him, Izuku nods.

He leaves the house and rides the train and all that stuff which didn't help with his stirring stomach, the moment he arrived at UA he ran to a cr as fast as he can, emptying his breakfast into a sink, he didn't feel good. At all.

"Oh my god Izuku-kun, are you okay?!" Ochaco asked. Oh, he entered the wrong bathroom, and Ochaco was in it, nice.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine!" Izuku chirps, "I-I think I just ate something I wasn't supposed to, don't worry about it!" He smiles, Ochaco sighs, relieved.

"Don't scare me like that, I won't tell anyone you went to the girls bathroom as long as you don't eat anything weird anymore, okay?"

"I'll try!"

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