Chapter 2

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Correy Smith

I cautiously looked around the moment I felt eyes on me. It had been two weeks since I started school at Brookway and the constant feeling of eyes on me was nagging at this point. I was the new kid and people kept staring. This kind of stare was not like the rest though. I couldn't explain it but it brought me shivers every single time. I did not tell my brother or my dad. What would they think?

'That I was definitely going mad. Probably. Absolutely. '

I ignored it anyway. It was probably nothing, just me being paranoid. I sighed as I shut my locker after picking the books I needed for the next lesson, English. It was one of my favorite actually and I looked forward to it. Come to think of it, all subjects were my favorite. I was taking Maths, English, Geography, Physics, Chemistry and Art classes. I was among the few students taking such a combination. Not that I was complaining though.

I sighed(it had become my favorite thing to do lately) as I quickly walked to my next class. I certainly did not want to be tackled by the many students on the hallway once the bell rang.

'Five minutes till the bell rings.'

I thought to myself.

I hastened my steps as I pressed myself close to the walls just in case. I had already admitted that I was extra clumsy. A tiny stone could send me directly to the floor for crying out loud. Forget about stones, a fucking staircase could give me a series of panic attacks.

I was knocked out of my thoughts on stones and staircases by a masculine, well toned body. My books covered the floor as I slightly winced, my butt throbbing.

"Watch where you're going dammit!" The person yelled.

I cowered away in fear as I slightly shivered. For two weeks, I had managed to not get into trouble yet here I was. Why did I even get distracted in the first place? I waited for the person to hit and kick me due to my clumsiness.

"...are you even listening!" The person continued to yell.

I was close to tears by now. I hated when people shouted at me. My breath hitched in my throat as I wrapped my arms around my now shivering body, willing my tears not to fall. I was suddenly yanked roughly by my hair as the person forced me to look up.

An angry snarl came of the boy's mouth, a sign of how pissed he was, as he ground his teeth together. The blonde haired boy suddenly smirked after seeing my face.

"Look what we have here? The new kid. Or should I rather say, my new prey." He said in a low, evil voice.

Not again. Please, not again.

The tears I had struggled not to let anyone see came streaming down my face.

"I haven't touched you yet, yet you're crying? What a sissy." He chuckled dangerously as he tightened his hold on my hair.

That was sure going to bruise. I began to hyperventilate as my head felt light with each passing second. I was not going to last long.

Just as I was about to drift off consciousness, the boy was roughly pulled back as a familiar voice called out.

" Correy? Oh my God, stay with me Correy. Someone get help!"

Dylan. I slowly opened my eyes as I struggled with my breathing. I was relieved to see my brother. I heard grunts and some commotion on my right. Too weak to even turn, I listened as some voices cheered on.

"Mr. King, Mr. Owen, to my office now!" a teacher, I presumed, called out.

Everything was becoming blurry, the only comfort as I drifted off, being my brother's hand squeezing me lightly.


"You suffered no serious injuries Correy, but I would suggest lots of rest for you. Your body seems to be very sensitive. " The school's nurse told me as she gently smiled at me.

She was a middle aged brunette lady with a slightly wrinkled face and a very gentle smile.

I nodded noticing my brother peeping through the windows which were slightly opened. I suddenly felt guilty for making him worried. As soon as the nurse, who I later came to know as Bethany, walked out, my brother came rushing through the doors with a worried look on his face.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you? I should have taken extra care of you." He hurriedly stated.

I slowly slid of the small bed and gently hugged my brother taking in his scent. He was the only person I trusted with my life alongside my dad of course.

"Don't ever say that Dylan. I love you and you have your own life. Don't worry too much about me."

"How about from now on, you hang out with my friends. I don't want you to suffer again." He said pulling away from the hug to face me. He gave me the biggest pout and some puppy eyes that I couldn't resist.

"Okay." I agreed .

I needed the company. Most importantly, I needed the security. As if on cue , the nurse got into the room, immediately informing me that the principle needed me in his office. I tensed slightly remembering the incident. My brother gave me an assuring look as if telling me that he wasn't going to leave me alone, which made me relax a little.

I gave the nurse a small nod as my brother nudged me. I stood up as Dylan wrapped his arm on my shoulder leading me towards the door.

I just hoped that I wouldn't be in trouble or rather, I wouldn't be the talk of the school.

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