Chapter 11

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Third person

Owen felt bad. The hairs on his neck stood as he slightly shivered even though it wasn't cold. Something bad was about to happen. He could feel it. He gripped the straps of his bag tightly, afraid that his fear would be known by his now trembling hands. He had learnt this several times; the enemy feeds on fear. Once your fear is evident, then you are finished.

He suddenly felt like throwing up when he saw two shadows larking at the corner of the path he took. He weighed his options. Running was out of the question. Moving towards them was an uncertain decision. Owen hated uncertainity. He heard the whispers as two more figures joined the first two.

Despite all the bells ringing at him to not go closer to the shadows, his legs took him straight to hell. He exhaled loudly, masking his fearful emotions with a cold look. He stopped when he was a few steps away from the figures, his glare more prominent.

The first shadow stepped in to the light, revealing Cain, a boy Owen knew too well. The three other figures were also revealed but Owen didn't know who they were. He shifted his focus on Cain, his temper slightly rising. If it wasn't evident enough, the two boys hated each other.

Cain was the first to speak, his voice dangerously low and deep;

" You're inactive."

"I don't work for you anymore. I thought I made myself very clear about that."

Owen spat, his knuckles craving the feel of blood on them. He knew exactly what Cain was referring to.

"Ha! Well, you thought wrong." Cain chuckled, his voice low. He wasn't afraid of Owen, not in the slightest.

"I don't work for you." Owen stated, spitting each word out as if it was a threat.

"Think about it first. See you tomorrow. Six sharp. Don't be late Owie."

Cain said before stepping back in to the shadows, the three boys quickly following him. Owen punched the wall beside him, his knuckle quickly dripping blood. He hated this. All of this. He hated how someone like Cain could easily get to him without even trying. He hated that tomorrow he would give in to everything Cain will instruct him to do. He hated that there was no one he could turn to, not even his parents.

He winced as the crisp air hit his knuckle, making it throb further. He could not go home, not tonight.

He slowly sank to his knees, his hand clutching his hurt knuckle , his back on the wall. He listened to his heart beating wildly, the hard beats lulling him to sleep, not caring about his surroundings.


" Mummy, is Owie okay?"

Opal asked, she knew Owen wasn't coming home today. She was sure about it.

"Let's get you to bed sweetheart."

Mrs. Keir stated, willing her tears not to fall.

"Don't worry mummy, Owie will find a boy that will love him forever. And he will be happy forever." Little Opal stated. She was too mature for her age.

"Yes sweety, now let's get you to bed." Mrs. Keir stressed.

She carried her ten year old daughter in her arms as they headed to Opal's room. She gently placed Opal on the bed, kissing her temple as she tucked her in.

"I love you mummy, Owie loves you too. Never forget that, okay?"

Mrs. Keir nodded not trusting her voice, the tears were close. She couldn't cry infront of her daughter. She stayed in Opal's room till the bubbly girl fell asleep. Mrs. Keir kissed her again, gently mumbling a 'goodnight'.

As soon as she was in her room, the tears flowed, her sobs clogging her throat. She screamed into her pillow, as more tears flowed from her eyes. She cried for her son. She cried for her family. She cried even more when thoughts of her parenting were questioned.

Wasn't she good enough for her son?

Where had she gone wrong?

She cried even more when she felt her husband's soothing hand on her back. She cried till she couldn't cry anymore. She gently turned into her husband's arms and hugged him tight.

"Don't worry Milcah, everything will be okay." Mr. Keir stated, his voice slightly breaking as he swallowed his emotions.

He needed his family whole. He wasn't sure how this would happen, but he needed them to be the loving and cheerful family they once were.

Please God.

He whispered as his wife's breathing became deep.

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