Chapter 6

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Liam King

I stepped out of the steamy shower room, a towel tightly tied on my waist. I stared at the blurred image on the mirror as I wet my toothbrush gently before applying toothpaste on it. I quickly brushed my teeth trying not to think about anything, which was proving to be quite hard at this point.

I sighed rinsing my mouth under the running water. Exiting the bathroom, I glanced at the clothes on my bed debating whether they were fit enough or not.

Of course they were perfect for the occasion.

I just wasn't in the mood. Something was definitely wrong with me. I never was not in the mood for this.

And now am not making any sense.

I needed a smoke. I quickly put my clothes on and locked the house before making my way to the closest bar around, tugging my hoodie down to hide my dark hair.

It wasn't long before I found myself in a room with blasting music, an awful stench and one full of people dancing the night away.

I made my way to the counter, trying so hard not to bump into someone on the dance floor. The bar tender, a petite red head lady offered me a smile as I took a seat.


I stated in a low voice. She seemed to have heard me despite the loud music blasting off the speakers.

Once my order was in front of me, I gulped it down at a go, welcoming the bitter sensation it came with. I relaxed slightly and opted to look around the bar.

Everyone was having a great time, I guess.

Some people drank to escape reality, others just for fun, others because of peer influence and others just liked drinking. Everyone in the room had his or her own reason for coming here today.

Me, no particular reason. I needed to smoke. But a bottle of whiskey before that wasn't such a bad idea. I debated about ordering some more whiskey but one look at my wrist watch said it all. I was to meet Rusty and Tate.

I paid for my drink and strode off the club, grabbing a pack of cigarette from Gale, the plump bearded man close to the exit door.

Two puffs was all I needed to relax as I welcomed the pleasure that accompanied it. I slowly made my way to where i was to meet Tate and Rusty.


"Where were you?" An overly curious and grinning Tate asked as soon as I arrived.

I stared at him, clearly stating by my look that I wasn't going to answer him. I never understood Tate to be honest. He was ever bubbly, grinning like there was no tomorrow. What about him being touchy? God! I was so lucky that I didn't have to deal with that. I hated touchy people. Scratch that! I hated when people in general touched me. It felt suffocating, like all the air had been ripped out of my lungs.

I was overly grateful that Tate understood this after our very first meeting. But now I was stuck with him nagging and being all curious about my whereabouts. Which didn't bother me cause it meant he cared.

I mentally shook my head, clearing my mind of such thoughts as I made my way to the Arena, glancing back once to make sure the two were following.

The place was overly empty today, the lights turned off. A clear indication that no event was to occur today. We made our way to the changing rooms where the safety clothing was. I quickly peeled off my jacket, replacing it with the riding jacket. I grabbed my helmet and made my way to the underground floor where all the old and rusty motorcycles were.

I could have brought mine but I was too selfish. I mean I saved for so long to buy myself one. There was no way I was going to use it for practice. I grabbed a black faded cruiser, testing its engine before driving it to the 'stage'.

The cold air nipping at my skin made it clear to me that I was under dressed but I could care less. I was only practicing after all.

I smiled underneath my helmet, something I rarely did these days, as I made the final round. Racing had been and will always be my other pleasure spot, apart from smoking of course. So after racing for about an hour, with nothing on my mind but the sound of the engine and the faint smell of the gasoline, I was bound to have a smile on my face.

I wasn't sure if Tate and Rusty were still within. They weren't in the changing rooms when I got there. I was about to start searching for them when I had small giggles in the bathroom stalls close to the changing rooms. I peeked from behind the wall, not wanting to invade their privacy.


You get what I mean....

There, sat on the sink was Tate, Rusty standing in between Tate's legs.

Rusty looking pissed off while Tate gently combed through his hair, styling it to the bun style of his choice.


Tate was always obsessed with buns. Guys with hair styled into a bun to be specific.

I shook my head as I made my way home.

What? I told you I wasn't going to invade their privacy.

Sorry guys for the late update. Hope you enjoy this and I really appreciate everyone who has read the story so far.

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