Chapter 16

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Correy Smith

If you had told me that Liam was going to speak to me today, let alone hug me, I would have not believed you.

Until now, I couldn't believe it. I had never loved the school's washrooms till now.

The giddy look on my face was visible for all to see. My dad kept throwing amused glances my way, hoping that I would explain my sudden burst of happiness.

My brother on the other hand, winked at me several times when he saw me check my phone.

Dinner was served and after a short prayer, we all dug in.

"Someone special said he would text me." I announced, unable to keep my secret for too long.

My dad chuckled, nodding his head in understanding.

"It's Tate." Dylan said, wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

"No." I replied, biting into the salad my dad had prepared. Both of them continued eyeing me, expecting more information that I wouldn't give. They gave up after a while and we ended up talking about what movie we were to watch next.


Mỹ palms were sweaty as I grabbed my phone tightly, glaring at it in the process.

Maybe he didn't mean it.

I thought as I watched my dad switch channels. He settled for Aladdin, after a few minutes. Dylan brought over two bowls of popcorn as we all sat on the same couch.

Halfway through the movie and my notification bar was still empty. I sighed and angrily munched on the popcorn, cursing the genie on the screen.

I threw my phone to the side and focused on the movie, openly drooling at how handsome Aladdin was.

I jumped as soon as my phone vibrated.

What are you doing?

The text read. I smiled as my heart thumped loudly in my chest.

Watching Aladdin.
What about you?

Texting you;-)

I blushed at this and hugged my knees.

{voice note}

I was about to click on the voice note when I remembered my earphones were upstairs.

I quickly make my way to my room, locking it as soon as I was in.

{voice note}
I wish I could see your red face right now.

He certainly had a way with words. I was about to reply when he sent another text.

I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I have to go now. Goodnight. C

I sent him a goodnight,a grin on my face.

Tate Payton.

I was exhausted, physically and mentally. My body sagged on the dining chair I had been sitting on for some minutes now.

My mind was hazy, all my thoughts juggled up. I chewed on my bottom lip, thinking of how my current situation became so messed up in days.

Liam knew.

I think that he always did. Maybe other people knew too. Had my pretense mask fallen along the way?

Ever since I started high school, my feelings for Rusty were always masked up.

I remember how people used to comment about how we were not going to end up as friends.

And we didn't. Don't get me wrong, Rusty was still my friend but my feelings weren't as friendly as he thought they were.

Maybe he is not gay.

I thought. I was overthinking this but could you have blamed me?

"Tate, come on. You are going to be late for school."

Mr. Andres said. I got up and took my bag before following him to the car.

When the school gates became visible, I had my mask back on. Bidding Mr. Andres goodbye, I made my way into the school.

As always the hallways were full.

"Hey Tate!"

"Nice shirt bro..."

"Good morning Tate."

I smiled and responded to the greetings. I wasn't popular but from time to time, I would host parties.

Once I got to his locker, my eyes immediately, as if on cue, searched for Rusty, whose locker was on the opposite side.

There he was, Rusty in all his glory, surrounded by four girls, chatting with them as he smiled brightly.

I huffed and quickly got my books out. I ran to my first class, Calculus, and sat in the furthest corner, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

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