Chapter 9

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Third person
Rusty stood with his back on the wall near the parking lot. He shifted his weight from one foot to another, trying to ease off his tired body. School had ended some forty five minutes ago, this being evident by the scarce parking lot except for a few students here and there. He wondered why Tate was taking too long. He had instructed Rusty to wait for him in the parking lot. They were to go home together.

Speaking of Tate, he quickly came rushing to Rusty almost losing his footing. He shot the masculine boy a smile as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Look.... Something came up. I can't make it...I mean I can't go home with you today."

Rusty frowned a little, shrugging as he slightly nodded. He adjusted his bag getting off the wall. He was disappointed but never showed it. He knew that nothing had come up. Tate was just making excuses so that he could spend more time with Correy. He knew this and it hurt him so bad, but he would never tell Tate. He couldn't. He gave Tate a subtle nod and started walking out of the school gates.

Tate felt guilty. He did not mean to make Rusty wait for too long. Maybe that was a lie, he had completely forgotten about Rusty when he saw Correy. They had talked for a while in the gym and when it was almost time for Correy to go home, after his brother had gotten back from practice, Tate remembered that he was to meet up with Rusty. The thing was, he had already promised to take Correy to the ice cream place they had recently been visiting.

The jovial boy frowned as he tried to remember the last time he had talked to both Liam and Rusty. He had been too occupied with Correy that he barely ever sat with his two friends let alone meet them for the racing sessions. Both boys had not bothered asking him why he was being distant. Tate did not know how to take this. He blinked rapidly before recalling that Correy was waiting for him. The frown left his face as a large grin replaced it. He quickly made his way inside the school one again falling oblivious to Rusty who was still by the school gates eyeing him.

Rusty sighed once Tate was inside the school building. He loosened his bun as he began walking home, his mind full of unanswered questions. He had only taken some steps away when he saw Tate's chauffer.

"Mr. Andres?"

He questioned not surprised to see him still waiting for Tate.

"Rusty, my boy. How are you?"

The bulky Italian man stated, his lips twitching into a smile.

"Fine. "

Mr. Andres chuckled ruffling Rusty's hair, who in turn glared at him which only made the Italian man burst out in laughter.

"Sorry... you are just too funny" The man indicated once he was done laughing.

Rusty just eyed the man, clearly amused by his non-existent humor.

"Where is Tate anyway?"

Rusty sighed once more before pointing at the school building.

"Oh! Then we can just wait for him in the car." Mr. Andres stated eager to spend some more time with Rusty who reminded him so much of his younger brother.

Rusty shook his head trying to form words in his mind. After some few minutes, he stated;

"He asked me to go without him."


"Yeah, I should be on my way. " Rusty spoke.

He did not want to face the man's eyes who he was sure held pity in them.

"See you son, take care." Mr. Andres stated, his voice a few notches low. He understood Rusty perfectly well and so he wished there was more he could do. Truth was, there wasn't.

Rusty gave him a small smile as he pushed all thoughts out of his head. He began walking only stopping when he heard Mr. Andres whisper.

"I am here if you need someone to talk to."

He nodded his head, not sure if the man had seen it. He continued walking, he had to get home before it got too dark.


He shook his head, not sure of whom the question was directed to and willing the voice out of his head. The only sound he chose to hear was the sound of his feet against the concrete path.


The doors creaked as Rusty pushed them aside. No one was home as usual.

The eerie silence still creeped him out but over the years he had learnt to tune it out. He made his way to his bedroom where he placed his back pack before stripping his clothes off and heading for the shower. He liked his shower cold. It was soothing and he certainly needed this. He leaned on the tiled walls as his thoughts drifted to Tate.

He was not sure who Tate was in his life. Sure he was his friend but Rusty wanted him to be more, he would never mention this to anyone though. He masked his feelings by always pretending to be annoyed when Tate was around. Guess he had managed to push his crush away.

Rusty's cheeks turned red when he thought about Tate being his crush.

Well, what do you call someone who you like but can't tell them. Crush?

Rusty sighed as he pushed his locks out of his face and began to wash his body. He was done after a few minutes. He dried himself and wore his pajamas. He wasn't hungry. He picked his guitar from his small desk and made his way to his bed slightly excited about playing a song he had heard a few days ago.

Gently adjusting the strings, he stroked his guitar lightly producing a sweet soft sound. The sound was soothing and he did not notice the time as his eyes began feeling heavy.

He did not notice the tall figure entering his room, nor was he aware when his guitar was taken away from him and replaced with a soft pillow.

'Go away.'

He whispered in his sleep.

The tall figure chuckled softly as he leaned forward and kissed Rusty's temple. He covered Rusty with a duvet and muttered a 'goodnight' before exiting the bedroom.


Happy Easter to those who celebrate. To those who don't have a lovely weekend.

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