Chapter 28

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Third person

The incident with Owen had left Correy shook with fear. How could he not when he had been seconds away from being smashed by the blonde's fists.

He even had nightmares about it. So much he feared that he decided to start therapy. If not for his sake, then for his mental state.

"Dad we are going to be late." Correy whined from the back seat, his eyes slightly glaring at his old man who was trying to tame his curly locks.

"Come on, it's your first session today. I have to be on my best." The old man answered, fingers untangling his dark hair.

"You do realize that you would probably not even be in the room."

Jonathan Smith stilled, eyeing his son through the rear-view mirror.

"What..." Correy started when he saw the guilty look in his father's eyes.

"Am sorry." Jonathan answered, his hands falling onto his lap. He didn't realize how he had distanced himself from his youngest son till now. The fact that Correy was going to another person for consultation other than him hurt.


"Let's just go."

The entire car ride was filled with an uncomfortable silence. Correy did not know what he said to upset his father but he did regret it, whatever it was.

They arrived at the building within ten minutes, but none of them made an effort to get out.

Correy scrumbled from his seat, unbuckling the seat belt before moving to the seat opposite his dad's.

"Dad am sorry. Whatever I said to upset you... I didn't mean it."

Jonathan gave his son a small smile, loving how adorable he was when adressing his father.

"No. It's not your fault... I was just... questioning my parenting..."

"Why? Dad, you are one of the best parents in the world. You put us before yourself. You are always there for us. Even after mu-.... Even after she left, you haven't had time for yourself. To me, you are the best and that's what matters."

Jonathan almost teared up. What did he do to deserve such a son.

He hugged his son, the negative thoughts already leaving his mind.

" Let's go? "

" Let's go.


Monday came rolling in faster than anyone expected. The whole school by now had already found out about Owen.

Not that it came as a shock to many. Owen was always known for such behavior, though this had been extreme.

Dylan parked his car, as he faced his brother. He didn't want to let him out of his sight and was about to tell him so, but he saw Liam knocking on his window.

He rolled it down, revealing brown eyes that immediately stared at Correy.

His brother timidly waved as he uttered a 'hi' before ducking his head under his bag to hide the blush his brother had already spotted.

Dylan glared at Liam, already putting the pieces together. Liam glared back and before he could speak, Dylan shut his window. He then proceeded to stare at Correy.

"We are not... t-together... Yet." Correy spoke after sensing the questions in Dylan's head.

"He better not hurt you."

Dylan opened the window again, repeating what he had told his brother to Liam. He then got off and left the two together, once he had locked his car.

Liam chuckled and immediately hugged Correy, kissing his forehead.

"So how was your weekend?"


They stayed in each other's embrace for some seconds before Liam took Correy's hand in his intertwining their fingers.

They walked into the school, hand in hand. People were just left whispering about how Correy had managed to get Liam to do this.

Because for the first time, Liam had worn just a plain grey shirt.

No hoodie, no leather jacket.

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