Chapter 14

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Correy Smith

To say the previous week had been terrible would be an understatement.

After  my 'incident', i became seriously ill. my body was weak and all i could do was sleep all day. Dad and Dylan had to help me with everything. When i say everything, i mean everything.

Our family doctor had advised me on several occasions to go see a therapist but knowing myself, i would never do that. Not in a million years.

My condition was getting worse but even this thought alone could not get me to talk about my mental health.

It was currently Monday and i was seated in my English class patiently listening to Mrs. Johnsone, a plump lady in her late fifties or early sixties, rumble about a topic i could not even understand.Missing school was terrible. I now had a lot of catching up to do.

I zoned out, because clearly i could not understand a thing, and opted to think about him. Liam. A dreamy look eventually grazed my face as i thought about the blue-eyed angel.

He was handsome. Especially with his dark themed clothes and leather jackets. God! I loved his jackets. Even if half of the time i had seen him he was either scowling or glaring, he still looked charming to me.

The bell rang bringing me out of my thoughts. I packed my books and headed over to my next class.

The day was awfully fast and soon i was seated in the school cafeteria with Dylan's friends.

"Smith! Heard you were sick. Glad to see you are well." a silver- haired Dirk stated,his British accent thick.

I gave him a nod as both Thelma and Lance engulfed me in bone-crushing hugs. I loved their company and immediately felt at ease with them.

As if on cue, my eyes wandered over to Liam's table. No one had occupied it. I sighed in disappointment. Lunch break was the only guaranteed time i got to see him. Guess today was certainly not my day. I quietly ate my food and after a while Lance nudged me.I turned my attention to the petite boy, my brows raised.

"Where's your friend?"

It took me some seconds to catch on.

"Oh! Tate? I  actually don't know. Let me text him."

I had actually texted Tate this morning but he had not replied. This was so not Tate. I sent him a quick text and after a few minutes of no response, I decided to call him.

Still no response.

"Maybe he is busy." I told Lance.

He was quiet for some seconds before he replied, "Be careful around that boy and his friends."

I was confused about the statement but nodded a yes nevertheless.


It was not until after school that i spotted Tate in the school parking lot. His head was bent as his dark half-curly hid his baby brown eyes. I rushed towards him, yelling his name when i was a few miles away.He lifted his head and gave me a smile before walking to me and engulfing me in a hug. I hugged him tightly, inhaling his vanilla-like scent.

"I missed you." I voiced out my thoughts, pouting at him.

"Am sorry, I missed you too." He stated, his voice less jovial.

Something was definitely wrong.

As if sensing my conclusion to his behaviour, he took my arm and dragged me back into the school building. After making sure we were in an empty classroom that was locked, he sat me down and took my hands in his, a serious look on his face.

We sat like this for sometime before he spoke, his voice breaking at the end.

"Rusty is ignoring m-me."

"Rusty? Your friend?"

He nodded a 'yes' and averted his teary eyes from me. I let him gather his thoughts, rubbing my thumb over his palm softly.

"So...I-I have this huge crush on Rusty. He doesn't know of course." He chuckled humourlessly before continuing, " I like him...a lot and now he isn't talking to m-me. He is talking to Liam and giving me a cold shoulder. I think it's because of a text i sent him... am not sure. I know am being irrational and stupid... a-and I don't know."

His voice was laced with raw emotions and unshed tears. I pulled him in for a hug as he finally broke into tears.

Tate had never struck me as an emotional person. He was ever jovial, never putting himself before others. And now here he was crying over his crush ignoring him. I wasn't judging him. I could never judge him. Not when he was being so honest about his emotions.

No words needed to be exchanged. I didn't know what to tell him anyway, so i hugged him tightly as he sobbed on my shoulder.

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