Chapter 22

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Correy Smith

There were so many ways I planned on spending my Saturday night. For example, I could be back home, stuffing my stomach with dad's delicious meals, binge watching animation movies. Or I could be in my room reading online novels from my favorite reading site. I could also have been in my room counting stars from my bedroom window.

But this...this was certainly not the way I had been hoping to spend it.

Drunk, screaming at the top of my lungs from Tate's kitchen counter.

Certainly not.

"I waav you!" I screamed at both Lance and Tate, their faces blurry before me.

"This was such a terrible idea." I heard Lance say.

"Stop being so boring. This is fun." a blurry Tate stated, filling my cup with that bitter-sweet drink I had been having. "Drink up Correy."

I drank as instructed, the liquid burning my intestines as my eyes stung with tears. My head was bounding as I wobbled on the counter.

"Ok! That's it. Get down from there!" Lance shouted at me, making me wince when he roughly grabbed my shoulder.

"Noooo...letsh dance Laaance-sh."

He pulled me down despite my complaints and dragged me towards what I assumed was Tate's room. I giggled several times when we fell.

"What was Tate thinking." Lance mumbled ashe helped me up the stairs.

"I waaav you." I responded, my drunk body leaning heavily on his.

I don't knoww how long it took us but finally we managed to get toTate's room unharmed. I fell face forward on the bed as Lance took off my shoes and socks, cursing Tate to hell and back.

He then tucked me in and left all too suddenly. I was about to pass out when my phone rang, the noise making me wince as I struggled to get the device out of my jean pocket.

"Helloo." I giggled as I placed the phone on loud speaker, not having the strength to hold it to my ear.

"Hi,how are you?" A familiar voice asked.


"Correy, where are you?" That voice, who was it? I giggled again, chocking on my own spit before trying to answer.

"Tateee...starsh..I waaav you."

I felt sleepy. For some reason, I did and the world started spinning before me. I eventually passed out, falling oblivious to the chuckling voice on my phone.






What was happening? Why was I here?

"Correy, up here!" A voice stated. A familiar voice.

"Correy, up here!" my eyes frantically searched for the voice, trying to find out who it was.I gasped when my eyes landed on the petite blonde lady.

"Mom?" I croaked,my throat scratchy.

"Up here!" What? My head was pounding. I glanced up only to see another duplicate image of her, hanging from the ceiling with a rope around her neck.

Tears streamed down my face at the sight of that. I tried to stand, but a sharp pain on my stomach stopped me.

A knife!

I had a knife plunged in my stomach. I screamed again, arms thrashing around as I tried to beg her standing figure to help me.

She laughed, a sickly dead laugh.


I jolted up, immediately regretting it when a sharp pain hit my head making my breath hitch. I winced and slowly lay back on the bed, closing my eyes to block out the light. I stayed still for a minute trying to figure out what was happening, the remnants of the nightmare slowly fading away.

As if on cue, I heard the door open.

"You're up!" Someone yelled, making me wince again at the loud noise. I slowly got up only to see a beaming Tate in pink pajamas.

"What's happening?" I asked, my throat dry and itchy.

His smile widened as he stepped closer tome, a black paper bag clutched in his right hand. I stared at him, waiting for him to explain.

"Nothing much.One thing is certain though, you are going to vomit in less than a minute."

"What! Why? How is that supp-" That's when I felt it. The bile, burning my intestines and somehow finding its way past my mouth. It was awful. 

I let out everything I could. Tate thrust some water and a pill in my hand after he had disposed the bag.

"Drink up." I did as I was told having some deja vu moment right then.

"What happened Tate? And why am I shirtless on your bed?" I asked once I was done, inspecting Tate's room as well as my body to try and figure out what transpired. The only thing I remember was loud music and a phone call? Maybe.

"Ask Liam." I chocked on my own spit, eyes widening as I screamed, my headache long forgotten. "What? W-Why? Oh my God!"

"Can you two just shut up for once!" Lance yelled as he stepped into the room, hair messed up, body covered in a large shirt that went a little past his knees. He had no glasses on, which was a rare sight since this was the first time I saw him without them. I was tempted to ask him where they were but was brought back to the task at hand.

"Baby, good morning?"

"Eew stop, shut up Tate and get your filthy hands off me."

"Guys, what really really happened?" I asked again, my eyes now filled with worry.

"Well you and Liam..." Lance started but I shrieked.

"Calm your titties boy, am not even done."

"I don't wanna hear it.No more." I said, covering my eyes, trying really hard to remember yesterday's events since I didn't believe them.

"Fine, I was gonna tell you that you and Liam were sex chatting but you said you don't want to hear it."

My face paled at the sound of that. What? Sex...

"Fuck no!" I yelled, tugging at my locks in frustration.

"Oh my God, Lance he cursed for the first time!"

"Shut up brownie."

"Don't start with me slim jim."

"Is it true?" I interrupted, my cheeks becoming rosy.

"Of course. We support you Smith, nothing to be ashamed about." Lance said, a grin on his face.

"But, this doesn't add up..." I retorted, snorting when the two boys rolled their eyes.

"You were drank dummy." Tate argued, a grin similar to Lance's on his face.

"Well fuck me and my life." I said, not even bothering to hide my defeated expression nor conceal the curse words spewing from my mouth.

"Yeah fuck you."Both of them said before giggling and stepping out of the room, leaving me to my thoughts.

Am roasted.


This might officially be my favorite chapter. They are all cute together.

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