Chapter 30

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Correy Smith

"You aren't ready yet?"

"I can't fix my hair... Uggh. It bothers me sometimes. Can't it just be straight?"

I urgued. I was with Tate, in his room, getting ready for a friendly/date dinner with Liam and Rusty. Liam and I weren't exactly a couple so...

"Come on, I'll help." Tate offered, his signature smile on. Despite this, he was oddly quiet. I didn't bother him about it. He would tell me when he was comfortable to.

We were done in about ten minutes. Tate was to drive us to the place where Rusty and Liam were. The only thing I knew was that we were going to a restaurant.

Seeing Tate drive was funny. It could be because it was my first time seeing him do so or the fact that he drove at a speed of forty. I mean even a tortoise could do better plus the roads were pretty much empty.

What was to be a ten minutes drive turned into a half an hour one. By the time we got to the restaurant, I was a laughing mess.

"It's not even funny."

"Yes it is." I said wiping off the imaginary tears in my eyes. We were silent for a while and just when I was about to suggest we get into the restaurant, Tate spoke.

"We had sex like a week ago. It was great... I mean it was fantastic but then he grew distant. Like he doesn't text me until I do it first and he doesn't even kiss me anymore... Well until I force him to."

I wasn't exactly familiar with relationships let alone be fit to give advice on such issues. Tate was distressed and since we met today, that was the longest statement he'd said to me.

" Have you tried talking to him? "I asked.

" No... Am s-scared. Correy, maybe he is second guessing our relationship. Like... "

" Calm down." I soothed, rubbing his back lightly." You have to talk to him at least." I continued.

He was silent for a minute before nodfing a yes.

" Now cheer up. This is supposed to be a fun dinner date. "I cheered, laughing when he scrunched his nose my way.

We got out of his car and made our way into the restaurant. It was a simple one with couple vibes all the way from the entrance. It didn't take us long to find Liam and Rusty. They were in a booth with drinks in front of them.

After the greetings and some small talks, we ordered. I ended up having sushi, Liam had chicken wings and fries and Tate and Rusty shared some Chinese meal I couldn't even pronounce.

Dinner was slow and fun and soon Tate and Rusty excused themselves.

"You look good." Liam commented and for some reason my cheeks didn't become as red as they usually did when he complimented me. It might be because he told me he liked me. Indirectly.

"You look good too." I complimented, not once stuttering like I usually did. He must have noticed the changes since he smirked my way every once in a while.

"I don't think they are coming back." I said referring to Tate and Rusty. Liam hummed, turning to face me with a grin on his face.

"I know something fun we could do." He suggested.


"I could give you a ride around town on my motorcycle."

"Umm... Y-yeah." I wasn't so sure about this. He paid the bill before we headed to his motorcycle in the parking  lot. Tate's car was no where to be found. He must have gone back home with Rusty. I wrote him a good luck message as Liam fastened my helmet.

" I've never been on one, so this should be scary?" I stated, unsure of what I was saying as I eyed his black, shiny motorcycle.

"It'll be fun. I promise." He said. He got on it and I quickly followed, tightening my arms around his stomach.




That had to be the best ride ever. It was so much fun, adding to the fact that I got to feel Liam's abs every now and then. That was pervert-y but it had to happen.

Sadly the evening came to an end as we stood infront of my house with our helmets still on.

"Here, let me help you." Liam said as he unfastened my helmet, taking off his once he was done. We stared at each other and after sometime we chuckled, easing off the awkward moment.

"So this is i-"

"I like you too." I cut him off, my cheeks pink as I carefully gauged his expressions. He smiled, looked at the ground then at me, smiled again than nodded his head.

The silence between us stretched. I personally didn't know what to do.

Should we kiss? Should we hug?

I wanted to kiss him so bad that it hurt...

Fuck it!  I mentally cursed, throwing all caution away. I inched closer to him, putting my face infront of his before leaning in.

This is it.

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