Chapter 37

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Liam King

We descended the stairs, hands intertwined. Logan was seated on the floor, a couple toys beside him. He immediately lifted his eyes when he spotted us and stood, his toys long forgotten. For once, the little brat was quiet, eyes moving from Correy's face to our joined hands.

Correy, not liking the attention on him, nudged my shoulder. I turned to him and as always a blush coated his cheeks. The sight was heart warming and I would have stared more if he didn't glare at me.

"Logan, this is Correy." I stated briefly, fixing a hard gaze on my brother. I silently prayed that he wouldn't embarass me. He was still silent, glancing at our hands every two seconds.  "... My boyfriend."

I finally got a reaction from him after saying this. He sneered, trying so hard not to laugh. I would've probably smacked him if Correy didn't ruffle his hair.

"Nice to meet you..."

"Logan... Logan King." he proudly stated, moving two steps away from us. "Mum's in the kitchen." With that he collected his toys and dashed to his room without sparing us another look.

"He acts too mature for his age. Don't mind him." I explained, intertwining our fingers and dragging him towards the kitchen.

"Your mum is pretty young." He commented making me chuckle.

"Yeah... She's easy going too so you don't have to worry. Plus she knows about us already so..."

"She does!" Correy asked, his eyes wide.

"It's not like I was going to hide my relationship with you. And it probably shows how serious I am about you so don't think you are gonna make me leave you anytime soon."

He stopped walking, turning me towards him. "You really are an angel."

I was about to answer but decided against it and kissed him instead, savouring his tasty lips. His hands went over to my neck as I deepened the kiss, holding him close to me.

Something flashed making us break apart instantly. I already knew it was my mum. She had a passion for photography and every moment to her was beautiful if it was captured in a photo or video. It certainly didn't help that we were a few steps away from the kitchen when I had unceremoniously kissed Correy.

"Mum." I stated vaguely, slightly glaring at her.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist. You two look good together. Am so happy you introduced me to him, Lee."

"Am sorry for my awkwardness before." Correy stated almost immediately.

"No. It's fine... Come in, I already set the table." Mum ushered us into the kitchen where the conjoined dining area was. We took our seats as she served us.

Breakfast was slow but fun. Mum didn't ask Correy many questions. She always believed that one's privacy was important. Logan on the other hand kept staring at Correy when he thought no one was looking. He was also abnormally silent. I already knew his issue and before I left with Correy, I pulled him aside.

"Spill." I ordered once we were in his room.

"It's nothing..."


"... both of you are boys. Isn't that bad. I mean only boys and girls can date."

So that was the issue.

"Logan, no one said that only boys and girls can date. I like him so I can date him. Liking him doesn't have to be defined by whether he is a boy or not." I tried explaining as best as I could. He was only seven after all.

He seemed lost and for a moment I debated whether it was a bad idea telling him about all this.

" Don't think too much about it, okay." I hurriedly told him, being as gentle as possible. He nodded before turning to his toys, a clear indication that our conversation was over... for the time being.

I left his room and went back to the kitchen where mum and Correy were still chatting. They were already warming up to each other. I helped with cleaning the dishes.

"We should get going." Correy said once everything was in place.

"Mum, would you mind checking up on Logan?"

"What happened?"


She immediately understood and after saying our goodbyes, rushed upstairs.

"Is everything okay?" Correy asked as we left the house.

"Yeah, Logan's just confused about our relationship."

I answered as my eyes travelled to the posh white car parked in the driveway.

"Yours?" Correy could only nod, a nervous smile on his face. "Wait, where are we going?" I asked almost immediately.

"You'll find out soon."

Am confused.

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