Chapter 4

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Third person

Relief washed over Correy's face as soon as he saw the school gates a mile away. He checked his watch for the millionth time and thanked the heavens that he was in fact ten minutes earlier. That, he was not expecting.

Dylan had decided to leave early today- something that definitely had to do with the cheer leader he was obsessed about. Correy was not mad. Though Dylan would never mention this, Correy was sure that he was the reason why Dylan was not actively social of late. A little change wouldn't hurt.

By the time Correy got to his locker, sweat was pouring off him, his locks clumping to his face. He struggled with his breathing as he leaned on his locker, glad that he wasn't late. His little celebration party had not even started when he jolted up fast, almost hitting his head, when he heard his name being uttered halfway across the hallway.

He turned to see Lance pushing his way through the bodies that filled the hallway, his short height adding to his dismay. Correy chuckled lightly at the scene waiting patiently for the petite boy to get to him.

"Why do people have to grow so tall."

Lance stated annoyingly as he adjusted his glasses, brushing off imaginary dust from his clothes. Correy just smiled at him trying so hard not to laugh at the missing button on Lance's shirt. He wasn't trying to be mean but knowing Lance, in the few occasions he had been with him, the man would probably freak out or have a panic attack.

Not that I am any different from him.

Correy thought.

Come to think of it, the two men were quite similar, posing only a few differences here and there.

While Correy had dark curly hair-that spiked up and couldn't be tamed, Lance had straight auburn hair perfectly styled.

While Correy had tan skin, Lance had pale skin that could almost be mistaken for white.

While Correy had blue eyes with an outer ring of green, Lance had large doe hazel eyes, a mixture of green and brown.

Their heights were pretty much similar, with Correy being an inch taller than Lance.

"... I don't even get why everyone can't be short."

Lance continued rambling, words coming out of his mouth hurriedly. He stopped after a while, eyeing Correy skeptically.

"Are you okay?"

Lance asked, his eyes sweeping over Correy's tired frame.

Correy nodded not trusting his voice.

"Well, I came to inform you that the Devil is back. So be careful."

Correy frowned, confused at the statement. Lance seemed to catch on this, face palming at Correy's confusion.

"The boy who attacked you, Owen Keir. He is back from suspension."


Correy stated, a knowing look on his face. The hoodie boy was back, he had known that. That was why he was late in the first place.

"Yeah. Don't worry. If that boy even dares to look at you, I'll castrate him."

Lance said, his clever mind already picturing Owen's thingy being dissected in his home laboratory. Correy on the other hand was surprisingly not panicking. Yes, the thought of Owen back in school scared him, but all he was focused on was the hoodie boy. He had to thank him. He had already prepared for this.
All he had to know was where the boy was.

"T-thank you Lance."

Correy said, appreciating him.

As if on cue, the bell signaling for the start of class rang. The two, having different lessons, bid each other goodbye, each walking in the opposite direction. Correy who had taken the left side of the hallway, swiftly walked smiling, falling oblivious to the figure in the shadows eyeing him with anger.

"I will get you, you little rat."

The voice whispered dangerously as its figure disappeared in to the dark janitor's room.


Liam shifted his weight from one foot to another, his fingers digging into his palms. He was tense, anyone could tell that.

He glared at the boy in front of him, cursing words under his breath.

"... s-so I j-just wanted t-to thank you."

The boy stated offering him cookies wrapped in a container. He stared at the cookies, his mind becoming a mess.

Why would he do this?

He asked himself, desperate to ask the boy to leave. Liam turned so that his back faced the boy as he struggled not to snap at him. His hoodie fell perfectly on his face, covering any possibilities of one seeing the emotions that threatened to burst.

Correy's brows furrowed at the behavior of the hooded boy. He was simply thanking him yet it seemed as if the boy was irritated by him. His stretched hand was beginning to ache from holding out the container of cookies for too long.

The tears brimmed in his eyes as he hugged the container close to him, willing the tears not to fall. He had literally woken up at four in the morning to make the cookies. That didn't hurt at all. What hurt the most was the fact that the boy had not even once looked at him.

Not that Liam was obliged to. So why did his heart tear up the moment Liam turned away from him?

What was he expecting anyway?

He cleared his throat from any evident emotions as he uttered the next words.

"S-sorry... I probably should leave. T-thank you for saving my life..."

With that he threw Liam a final glance as he walked out of the gym, all his excitement having been crushed.

Liam huffed rubbing his long fingers over his eyes. He wasn't sure what had happened but one thing he was sure of was that he had to stay far away from the blue eyed boy.

He simply couldn't risk this too.

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