Chapter 40

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Correy Smith

"So you two are official..."


"Have you... you know..."


"You know... The deed. The one where both of you are naked in bed, lying horizontally."


"What, am curious."

I buried my face in the locker and pretended to search for a non-existent book.

"Come on, spill the tea."

"You have been hanging out with Tate far too much." I answered, my face still in the locker.


I sighed, shutting my locker before facing Lance.

"No... not yet. We've touched... and stuff... but we've not... gone... all the way, you know." I hesitantly spoke, my mind supplying me with images of Liam touching me for the first time.

"Have you guys talked about this topic before?" Lance asked, his eyes averted to the hallway.

"Umm... No? Wait... why are you suddenly interested about this?"

"N-Nothing.... I- Nothing is wrong. I'm perfectly f-fine."


"Is there something you aren't telling me?" I asked, curiosity getting the better part of me.

Lance stiffened for a moment before his cheeks grew red. He struggled to say something before sighing in defeat and leaning down to whisper in my ear.

"I w-walked in on Tate and Rusty d-doing it."

My eyes widened on instinct. Well I wasn't surprised that Tate and Rusty were doing 'it'. They were together after all. What shocked me was the fact that Lance saw them. Believe me you wouldn't want to walk in on someone doing the deed.

I turned to him and it seemed as if his cheeks had gotten more red.

"I can't even begin to fathom how violated your entire body system feels right now." I spoke seriously.


Lance's embarassed face broke me into a fit of laughter.

"What were you even doing when you walked in on them, you could've knocked." I struggled to speak admist my chuckles.

"I was trying to surprise him... Okay and he told me he would be home alone the entire day.... It's his fault..." His face was still red even as he tried to explain himself. He was pouting and I couldn't help but reach out to pinch his cheeks.

Lance was really cute and the fact that he was a nerd with big round-rimmed glasses just made him even cuter. Why no one had noticed him enough to want him all to himself was a mystery I couldn't solve.

"Still.... What does me getting laid have to do with all this." I asked once he was a bit calm and no longer pouting.

"At least I know I'm not the only v-virgin in our little squad." He proudly stated.

See, his thinking is also cute.

"Who said I'm a..."

"You aren't! Oh God, why... Why??" He cried out dramatically,making me roll my eyes and chuckle at the same time.

"Lance. You shouldn't think about this. I mean... Once you find the right person, it will happen. I guess."

He looked a bit off and his next words made my heart ache.

"I know. But once you get together with Liam you'll start spending more time with him. Tate spends more time with Rusty these days. I don't... I don't mean to be clingy but no one wants to hang out with... me anymore. Thelma has a boyfriend already, the twins started taking extra art classes last month and Dirk is... Dirk is Dirk, God only knows how many girls he's slept with. Look... I'm sorry I'm being childish. Forget we even... talked about this." He breathed out with a sigh,his cheeks still rosy.

Was he embarrassed that he admitted his feelings to me.

" Lance I-"

"Ihavetogotoclassbye."He quickly stated before rushing off, tripping on non-existent rocks on his way.

As I watched him disappear in the hallway, only one word circulated in my brain.



I suck yeah, just like my username. I'm sorry. I promised not to take long but I DID infact take so long to get this up. Forgive me😔

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