Author's Note

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Hi Guys! This is the first time I'm gonna write a story, by the way I love rpg's so it came to my mind that I should write a story related to RPG GAMES. Please keep reading my story and leave a like and a comment every chapter!

So guys! You all know that I'm new at this so don't expect too much from me. I'll also put a character section here after 2 or 3 chapter maybe then I'll mention you in a chapter if I'm gonna use your character and please! Use a unique name.

BTW guys! In every version or volume of this book we'll have 50 chapters, EVERY ONE OF THEM! And I'll end it with Authors Note but don't worry guys every ending I'll add some Epilogue on what happen to our hero.

Finally! Since I'm a High School Student I will not promise all of you that I'll update every day maybe some weekdays I'll update but don't ya worry I'll update every weekend, Thank you guys!

I know this is a short Authors Note but I'm glad that I can finally write a story! Guys please keep supporting me even though for now I don't have any followers but I'm hoping that in the future I will have many readers and followers! That's all for now!

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