Chapter 15

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[ CHAPTER 15 : Shadow's Primary Soul ]

July 22, 2021
2:23 P.M.


-| Zero's POV |-

I ran behind the Crow without it noticing me. I looked at the giant crow and smirk. I'll finish this once and for all! "CRIMSON FLAME BOOSTER!" I ran upwards at the back of the crow while equipping my Crimson Sword.

"SWORD STYLE: CRIMSON FLAME BURST!" My sword began to be covered in Crimson Flame and I can feel enormous power coming from this Crow.

I'll slash you in half, you monster! "AAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!" I point my sword at his head then I stabbed it. "KKKRRRRUUUUUUU!!!" The crow's cry. The crow began to go berserk and I'm losing my balance from standing.

"Woooaahh!!" I tried to maintain my balance but it's not enough, I lost control of my balance and I fell to the ground. "Urggh." It doesn't hurt me that much but I still received damage from that fall.

"Damon! Transform to your Soul Stone now!!" I shouted as he tries to kill the rampaging crow. "Okay!" He respond. "ARCIES SOUL! PRIMARY SOUL!" His armor transformed and his normal sword changed size into a bigger one.

"ARCIES STEEL SWORD!" The color of his sword changed into a gray sword. "STEEL ARMOR!" Almost all of the skill he used is the one that he used when we battle.

"AAARRRGGGHHHH!!" He charged at the rampaging crow then he shouted a skill. "ARCIES RAPID SLASH!" He points his huge sword at the rampaging crow then suddenly he quickly teleported infront of the crow, he slashed the crow so fast that I can't even see where is the blade hitting.

"KRRRUUUUU!!" The crow suddenly looked fiercely at Damon. Damon stopped moving and his caught again by that spell. "Ahh! SH*T NEED TO FINISH THIS NOW!"

"Shadow lend me your power one more time." My mind said. "It's about time you use my first form."  Heh. Finally I can use his form. "Just do what you did when you used my power, focus your power and I'll focus my power too." Shadow said.

I focused my power to my chest and I can feel Shadow's power mixing in my body and it's getting stronger and stronger every time. "SHADOW'S SOUL! PRIMARY SOUL!" I shouted.

After a few seconds, I saw my Equipments and it changed. I'm wearing a dark hood with some armors on it, a half mask and my hair changed to color white. I looked at my Crimson Sword but I'm not holding it anymore. I looked at my Weapon and it changed, the name of the sword is Dark Sword and I have two of it, my daggers also changed to Dark Daggers.

"Hey! Move now or else your friend will die there!" Oh! Right! "Yeah, thank you for the power anyway." I said. "Yeah! Yeah! Just finish that monster quick because I can't use my power too long." Shadow said. "Okay!" I'll finish this nice and quick!

"VANISH!" I ran towards the Crow and equipped my swords. "Now! Time to taste my wrath!" I'm gonna kill you, you monster. "SWORD STYLE: DARK FLAME BURST!" My sword began to be covered in Dark Flame and it's so cool.

"DARK FLAME BOOSTER!" My feet began to be covered in dark flame and I felt faster than before. I looked at the HP of the Crow and it's half of it's health bar. I'll one hit this monster. "Shadow, ya ready?" I asked. "Yeah, I'll give it all I got!" He said.
"Well then I'll give it all I got too." I said.

"Damon get back! NOW!" Damon quickly hide in one of the rocks in this room. I looked at the crow again, his beak is open and he's storing dark energy in this room, creating a dark orb. It's the same like Shadow's skill but I think that orb is stronger than Shadows.

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