Chapter 17

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[ CHAPTER 17 : DSO Update ]

July 23, 2021
10:23 A.M.


-| Zero's POV |-

"Let's go to the blacksmith." I said while the two's just goofing off.

"Ok. I also need to craft an armor for me." Damon said.

"How about you, Elizabeth?" I looked at Elizabeth while she's polishing her sword.

"I'll pass, I still need to buy some equipments." I nodded at her as a response.

"Okay, then it's gonna be me and Damon, again." As I said that Damon went through the door out of the room then I followed him.


"Hello! We would like to ask if you can craft us an items!" Then a sudden loud bang can be heard inside the blacksmith's shop.

"Hello, there!" A dwarf woman appeared infront of us and she's holding a long tiny hammer.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I'm just smashing some of the new equipments here. I'm Petra by the way." She said.

"That's alright, I'm Zero. We just came here to ask you if you can craft an items for us." I said.

"Well, you've come to the right place. I'm the best blacksmith you can see in this town. Now, will you let me see what item you have for me?" Dian said.

"Hmm... I only have this items, a bunch of Red Eyes Crows Feather and 5 Red Eyes Crows Claws." I picked the items, and then it appeared infront of us.

"Woah, if I'm not wrong that's one of the Class D items. Lemme check it." She quickly clicked the items and the information about it popped up. "Hmm... uh-huh... it came from one of the rare bosses. You're one heck of a fella. Say, if I finished making your armor and sword. I'll help you enhance it, it's free of charge. Will you accept it?" That's a good promotion, and it's also free of charge.

"Yeah. I accept it!" I said. "Well, I'll take this item. And I'll start crafting your items! See you, tomorrow afternoon!" After that, Damon handed the items he needed to be crafted then we left the blacksmith's shop and continue to head outside of the town to hunt some monsters.

"Zero, what are you planning to do with the 5,000 GC?" Damon asked. "I'm still thinking of what we can do to it, but there's something I want to buy for the party." I said. "Then what is it?" Damon asked. "I'm planning on buying a wagon, for the three of us." It's not a bad idea, right? If we bought a wagon, we can travel easily but it might cause attention to the thieves lurking in the roads, forest, etc. "Not a bad idea, so when are you planning to buy a wagon?" Yeah. That's a good question! "I still don't know, maybe if we find a store that sells a wagon." After that we continue on leveling up, until suddenly a window popped up infront of me and it says 'LOGGING OUT'

Then I opened my eyes and I saw a white ceiling infront of me. Guess I'm back in the reality but what the hell happened in DSO why did I suddenly log out of the game? Is it a bug? I ran towards my computer and then turned it on after that I go to the website of DSO.

I saw many articles about what's going on in DSO and thank god! It's not a bug, DSO is doing an update and they're adding some featues and new events in there and they're update is gonna take 3-4 hours. I continue scrolling and something caught my eye. It's an article about... me! It's all of the travels I made so far, like how I defeated that Black Crow Gang, how I defeated Damon and mostly how we defeated the Red Eyes Crow! Wait. What?! Someone has been folowing me since I logged into this game.

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