Chapter 6

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[ CHAPTER 6 : Dark Flame ]

July 18, 2021
11:32 A.M.


-| Zero's POV |-

Ahh! It's been 2 hours since we've been fighting this orcs and the worst part is this Giant Orc has slaughtered many players and we can't even fight back because of the unlimited spawning of orcs! I realized that the sky is so dark even though it's still afternoon.

Ughh! This is frustrating! In just a few more minutes, this town will be completely destroyed! I need to make a move now! "Smith! I have a plan!" We went to a narrow alley to discuss my plan, "I have a plan! The plan is I need to get at the Giant Orc's back without him noticing. So, I need the other players and your other men to distract him while I try to sneak behind him and I'll take care of the rest." Smith stare at me for a moment then began to speak, "You can't do that, it's too risky!" You don't get the point old man. "But I need to, to save this town. Just provide support at me and I'll be sure to kill that Orc." In the end, Smith agreed.

Time to take care of business. "Smith! Prepare your men and the others. I'm going now!" Smith looked at me with a serious face and I think he's telling me to be careful. "Men! Ready your weapons! Attack the Giant Orc!" Smith shouted.

"VANISH!" I disappeared in a blink of eyes. I walked slowly to get behind the Giant Orc. I walk carefully because one wrong step and I'm sure I'll be dead!

"MAGE AND PRIESTS! PROVIDE SUPPORT TO THE WARRIORS!" Smith really is reliable. I slowly jumped at the back of the Giant Orc and I can see many players doing their best to distract the Giant Orc. I began to be nervous but... if I won't do this, those players that died fighting this monster will going to waste. I CAN'T LET THEM DOWN!

I climbed up until I reach the Giant Orc's neck. I wave to Smith to signal him, so that the players will have to retreat. Smith saw me waving so he called the players to retreat. "MEN! RETREAT! LET ZERO HANDLE THIS! HEALERS, PROVIDE SUPPORT TO ZERO!" Thank you Smith for believing in me! I won't let you down!

Time to finish this! "FIRE ENHANCEMENT!" Flame covered my daggers enhancing my Magical Damage and my Strength. "I'll finish you!" I stabbed the Giant Orc in the neck. The Giant Orc is screaming so loud, my eardrums is gonna blow. "Urgghh!! S-STOP... SCREAMING..." I stabbed him again and again and his Health is dropping continously.

"GRAAAAGHHHH!!" The Giant Orc's shouted. "AHHH!! LET GO OF ME!" The Giant Orc caught me, I didn't see it coming! He smashed me onto the floor then he stomped me with his left foot. "URGHHH!!" I... I can't... stop... him... Blood spitting at my mouth and I can't even move my body.

I-I let them down! My eyes are beginning to close it's like I'm dying. "ARGGHHHHHH!! I'LL KILL YOU! YOU SMELLY GIANT ORC!" That voice... it's Smith! He's still not giving up. They don't have a chance. That Orc is too strong!

I slightly opened my eyes and I saw Smith getting hit in the stomach by the Giant Orc's club. "No. Don't. You'll die."

My body is starting to stand up. I feel enormous power flowing inside my body. It's just like yesterday, when I battle the Black Crows. I feel my body completely standing up, "I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU! YOU DIRTY B*ST*RDS!"

I feel my body being completely controlled, I don't know who or what is it but I feel someone controlling my body. "GAAAARRRHH!!" A Dark Flame form in the center of my hand, it grew larger and larger. "I'll kill you!"

I threw the dark flame on the Giant Orc. It burns him alive but the effect didn't last long. "DARK FLAME ENHANCEMENT!" My dagger is now covered in Dark Flame. The fire that covered my dagger is not a normal fire. It's far more greater.

I ran towards the Giant Orc then jumped at his face. "Bye." I stabbed him in his both eyes, seeing nothing. His eyes is now spitting blood. The burn effect burns him on the inside of his body until he dies. "GGGRAAAGGGHHHH!" The last roar I heard from the Giant Orc.

I... I'm feeling so weak. My body... It's getting weaker. The power that I have is now disappearing... again...

I slowly closed my eyes the last thing I saw is the remaining Orc's are retreating.

July 20, 2021
10:37 A.M.


-| Zero's POV |-

"Urghh! My head!" I slowly sit down at the side of bed, this place is familiar. Am I still in the game? The door slowly open and I saw Dan, the manager of the inn. "Hey, why am I still in-game?" I asked.

"Because you didn't die when you fought the Giant Orc. Your exhaustion gauge just went to the limit so after you go berserk, you lost consciousness." Ahh! That's why but what did we loot after I kill that Giant Orc? Hmm... "Oh! By the way go to the mayor later, so you can claim your loot for defeating the Giant Orc." Well, I could sell it for a high price. I'm gonna be rich! "Yeah, thanks Dan." I said. "Uhm... by the way when you go berserk when you're fighting the Giant Orc. What did you feel? and what kind of power is that?" I don't know what kind of power it is. "First, I just felt that I need to protect this town so I think my power becomes active. Second, I don't know what kind of power it is, I just feel it's my hidden power." Dan looks at me unconvinced but it's not my fault, I also don't know what kind of power is this.

"Well, you might want to log out now because you've been in this game for 4 days straight." Wait what day is it, today?!? I looked at the calendar, and saw it. It's... It's already... July 20!


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YESS!! I made an update today but it's supposed to be yesterday. So I'm sorry guys! Hehe. But I'll promise maybe later or tomorrown, I'll update again. Thank you for supporting me even for now I still don't have so much readers!

And guys please don't forget to leave a vote and a comment at the comment section!


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