Chapter 10

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[ CHAPTER 10 : Soul Stone ]

July 21, 2021
9:23 A.M.


-| Zero's POV |-

I just realized now, that I got a Soul Stone from that Rare Boss that I fought last night. Hmm... what can this soul stone do? I guess I have to ask Dan about this.

After I packed some things up, I went downstairs to eat my breakfast. "Dan, do you know something about Soul Stone?" He's preparing my meal and somehow I caught his attention because of what I asked him.

"Yes, why? Do you have a soul stone?" Yes! I knew it, I knew he knows something about soul stones! "Yes, I have and it's from a Dark Type monster." Finally, Dan faced me. "Here's your food and also can I see your soul stone?" I opened my inventory and get the soul stone. "Here." I simply said then I started eating my food before it gets cold.

"Whoa! This is the first time I've seen a soul stone and it's also quite rare because there aren't too many players that have a soul stones and most of them can't even kill a Dark or Light type monster. I can sense tremendous power coming from this soul stone." Hmm?? So I'm the only one that has a Dark Type Soul Stone?

"So, how do I use it?" I asked Dan because I don't know how can I use that soul stone. "You must be one with the soul stone in another words, you must consume the soul stone but there are other way to consume it. You must speak a spell that can transfer the power of this soul stone into your body. I think it's better to use the second way because I'm 100% sure that it's gonna transfer the soul stone's power completely." How? Is there even any spells to transfer power to a body?

"Wait there. I think I have one of the spell book that can transfer a power of soul stone into a body. It's stored in my room, wait for me there, I'll just get it." Okay then, I'll just finish my food here.

After a few minutes, Dan finally came back, holding a big book. He placed it infront of me and dust began to fall from it. "Ah! It's so dusty! Where did you even get that?" This book looks like our old newspaper it's color is fading already and some of the words are erased.

Dan began to fold the pages, searching for the spell that can transfer power into a body. After a few seconds, Dan began to shout. "Yes! The spell! It's here!" Oh! So that's why he shouted. "So can I transfer my soul stone's power now?!" I asked excitedly. Finally I'm gonna use a soul stone!

"I'll chant you the spell. 'Tuum erit transferre potentiae per corpus probi' It's said here that you need to chant it twice so it will transfer the power of the soul stone completely." That's hard to say because it's not in english but I'll try, "Tuum... e-erit transferre potentiae per corpus probi. Did I pronounced that right?" I looked at Dan and he's smiling at me. "Yes, you did pronounced it right. Now, let's go outside, we will continue that there."

I followed him outside and we walked away from the inn. I think we're going at the Eastern Forest. Then we stopped in the middle of the forest. "Here, it's perfect. We'll continue the ritual here. Stand infront of me and walk 5 steps away from me and also here's the Soul Stone." I did what he says, I stand infront of him then I walked 5 steps away.

"Now, repeat after me. Make sure you don't miss any word." Dan said. "Okay!" I answered then Dan spoke the spell.

"Tuum erit transferre potentiae per corpus probi." Dan said.

"Tuum erit transferre potentiae per corpus probi." I repeated then Dan spoke it again.

"Tuum erit transferre potentiae per corpus probi." Dan repeated.

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