Chapter 26

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[ CHAPTER 26 : Ambush ]

July 26, 2021
10:42 A.M.


- | Zero's POV | -

It's been two hours since we entered this forest. A grove means small group of trees but damn this grove is bigger than I thought. And another thing, ever since we entered this grove we didn't encountered any hunters not even a single ambush.

I have a bad feeling about this. "We'll stop here." Damon said since he's the one controlling the wagon. "Ok." I said. As soon as we got out of the wagon, I felt someone is watching us.

"That's why we stopped." Night whispered. They also noticed it and they're now equipping their weapons and I also did equipped my weapons too.


The sound of an arrow flying towards me. I quickly noticed it and dodged it before it hit me.

"Tsk." They're targetting me. "Defend the wagon." I ordered and threw the dagger where the arrow came from and used my skill Blink. I got teleported to my dagger. The archer who shot at me got surprised and he quickly draw an arrow but before he can shot me, I slashed his bow, destroying it in the process and making him unable to use his arrow.

I landed at the branch he was standing on and I looked at him and he already equipped his dagger at his left hand. He's trying to slash me but I quickly avoided it and I stabbed him in his neck making him die quickly.


I jumped up at one of the branches avoiding the sword who's about to cut me.


I looked at the branch I was standing on earlier and it already got cut. "They're strong." I whispered. I looked at the man who almost cut me, I gave him a fierce look but he didn't even budge. Instead he jumped off of the tree and landed on the ground. He looked at me and gave me a 'come to me' sign.

"Aight!" He's ready to die. I threw my dagger at him and he catches it with his left hand while holding his big sword at his right hand. Nice! He caught it. "BLINK!" I said and I got teleported at my dagger. He's still holding my dagger, so I stabbed him at his left hand making him to let go of my dagger. I landed on the ground and I looked at him, he's quite tall.

"Die!" Damn. I made him angry. He swung his sword at me and I jumped up to avoid it but I got caught in his trap. He holds my right arm making me unable to use my right hand. He smashed me into the ground and that hurts like hell. "ARGHHHH!" I screamed in pain.

I looked at him while still lying on the ground. He raised his sword at the air and he's readying to cut me. He swung his sword downwards and before he can kill me, I rolled sidewards and stood up quickly. "FIRE ENHANCEMENT!" My daggers got covered in flames and is burning fiercely. "Die." I whispered and looked at him.

"FLAME BOOSTER!" He swung his sword at me and because of my booster I dodged it in a blink of an eye and even he didn't saw what happened. I quickly jumped towards him and kicked his face then I landed on the ground again and quickly jumping towards his face while pointing my daggers at his forehead. "FLAME PIERCE!" A thick pointed flame came out of the tip of my daggers while piercing through his head.

He didn't have the time to cry in agony and instead he fell on the ground lifeless and have a big burning hole in his forehead. "Weak." I whispered. Then a dozen of hunters have me surrounded. "CRIMSON FLAMETHROWER!" I opened my palm and a dark-ish orange flame came out of my palm burning half of the hunters and bringing them their death.

The others just smirks and ran directly towards me equipping their daggers and swords. Those are Class D weapons. They're bounty hunters but look at their equipments. What's happening here! "ARRGGHHHH!!" A player tried to slash me and I avoided it then jumped towards him, I pointed my left index and middle finger towards his forehead and casts a skill. "CRIMSON FLAME PISTOL!"


The sound of a gunshot coming out of my fingers, but it's not a bullet. It's a flame that shot through the players forehead. It has the same element as a bullet but it's a flame. The player fell on the ground and his avatar disappeared. "DIE!" Another player that is equipped with a dagger tried to slash me but because of my booster, I avoided it quickly. I slashed him with my daggers, cutting his limbs in the process.

After a minute, I finally killed all of them then I went back to the wagon. "GUYS?!" I shouted because no one is guarding or defending the wagon. Sh*t! This is bad! Did they got caught by the hunters?! No! That's impossible! They're stronger than them! Then how?!

"Hehe! You lookin' for someone? Zero?" Tsk. Someone spoke behind the wagon. "What the hell do you want?!" I shouted. "I want... you!" Tsk! They're after me after all! Then some one jumped at the top of our wagon.

He's wearing a hood and he is equipped with a normal size sword but that sword is different. I can feel tremendous energy coming from the sword. I looked at him and he's staring right at me with those blue eyes.

"Hehe! Do you have what it takes to defeat me?" He said and laughed histerically

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"Hehe! Do you have what it takes to defeat me?" He said and laughed histerically.

"Why don't we test your power now." He said and he unsheathes his sword and a malicious power burst out of it. "Come. Zero."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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