Chapter 12

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[ CHAPTER 12 : Farewell, Beginner's Town ]

July 22, 2021
10:32 A.M.


-| Zero's POV |-

This is the last day we will be on Beginner's Town. There's so much that happened here and I also caused some of the troubles and almost destroying the inn.

We're gonna travel all of the places here and my partners are gonna join me. Damon and Elizabeth, I hope we'll stay as a party, we can't abandon comrades right? Well, time to go now and stop thinking about it.

"Are you ready guys?" Damon and Elizabeth looked at me and gave me a smile. "Yes, we're good to go!" Damon answered. "Okay! Let's go!" We bid farewell to Dan the manager of the inn and also to Smith and the Mayor.

We're now at the Northern Gate. "I'm gonna miss this town." I whispered to myself. "Let's go, Zero!" Elizabeth called me, and I didn't notice that they're already outside of the gate. "COMING!" I replied. This is where the adventures begin!

After a few hours of walking at the grass plains. We can still see players walking at the grass plains and some of them are hunting monsters. "Hey, Zero. There's a village infront of us if we keep walking towards this direction maybe we can spend our night in that village." Elizabeth said, and it's a great idea. We don't want spending the night in a forest or something because most players steal stuff at night.

"Ok then." I simply replied. After a few minutes, I somehow sensed someone following us. "Hey, Damon do you sense someone." I whispered to Damon. "Yeah, and it's been bothering me for a second now." Suddenly the atmosphere changed. The grass plains that is noisy became so quiet.

"Ready your weapons, and prepare your fighting stance. There's someone following us right now." I ordered, and both of them equipped their swords. Then 5 players appeared infront of us.

I noticed their faces and their armors. "You're the Black Crows Gang, aren't ya?" They didn't speak, and I can sense a dark power coming from them. Are they being manipulated? And how did they escape the prison.

"How could they be possibly escape the prison?" Elizabeth asked. "I don't know, too." Then I heard a scream coming from my right, I saw Damon charging at them without even thinking. "Damon, stop it! They're not as weak as you think."

Then the other grunt point his hands towards Damon who's charging at them. Suddenly a great force of air knock backed Damon who's now stumbling at the floor.

"Argh!" Damon shouted. We ran to Damon who's now lying at the ground. "I told you they're not as weak as you think." I said to him. "But how did they got that power? They're supposed to be locked in the beginner's town prison." Elizabeth asked. "I don't know but one thing for sure, is that they're being controlled by another player." I simply answered.

The Black Crows Gang are walking towards us and their aura is getting stronger and stronger. "There's no other choice. We need to fight them and find the the one who's controlling them." I said.

"They're gaining on us. Damon and Elizabeth distract them while I try to get close to them." I ordered, I hope my plan works or else we'll be killed here. If we only has a Healer type class in our party we can dispell that curse.

Damon and Elizabeth began to charge at them and they are all both exchanging blows at each other. "Ok, It's my cue." I used my skill VANISH and ran behind them, I felt relieved because they didn't notice my presence because of Damon and Elizabeth. I equipped my Crimson Daggers and use my enhancement.

"Here we go." I charged at the leader who's in the middle. He's distracted because of the fighting that's happening right now. "AAAAAHHHHHH!!" I shouted. I jumped in the air and used my skill. "FLAME SLASH!" I slashed their leader continously and his armor is now beginning to crack.

The four grunts is alerted by my actions and tried to attack me but my teammates stopped them and tried to fight them. Suddenly something grasp my legs and smashed me on the ground. "ARGHH!" I felt my body paralyzed for a second. Then I can finally moved.

"Zero! Are you okay?" Damon asked. "Yeah! It's just a little scratch!" I replied. "Liar, you could've asked for their help." Don't talk to me right now, okay. I'm having a hard time fighting this guy. "Then, why don't you borrow my power for a moment?" Can I? "Yeah! Dumbass! I'm you're monster soul and we share each other's power, even if I refuse I still don't have any other choice because your power is my food source and my power is your energy source." Oh! Okay then! Thank you for explaining it now I have a reason to use your power. "No problem!"

But how can I use your power? "Easy, focus your mana on your chest and after that you can feel a strange power but it's not how to change forms. It's just mixing my power to yours." Oh, okay then.

I focused my mana on my chest and I can feel the strange power coming from me. I lit up my hands with fire and it's not the normal fire, it's the dark fire. "HEHE... This will be easy!" I looked at the leader and he's lifting up his sword, readying to slice me. "That's not gonna happen."

I equipped my Crimson Daggers and activated my enhancement. "DARK FLAME ENHANCEMENT!" The normal flame that's covering my daggers are now becoming black. "DUAL BLADE PIERCE!" Before he even swing his sword at me I already pierced apart his armor. This power is incredibly strong.

"URGGHHH!!" Blood spitting out at his mouth and I can see his lungs burning from the inside because of the effect of the dark flame. His HP is decreasing continously and I think it will only stop once the player died.

I looked at my 2 teammates and I think they're already finished but they didn't kill the players. Suddenly I felt my body falling and hitting the ground and the last thing I saw is my teammates are running towards me.

-| Author's POV |-

Zero suddenly fell on the ground not knowing what's happening to him and his teammates are running towards him after he fell.

A man suddenly appears behind Zero out of nowhere, the mysterious man wears a black cape and his face is covered also by a black mask. "Your comrade is finished. I'll dispose of him." Damon then appeared behind the mysterious man and hit him at his side.

Damon quickly grabbed Zero, who's now unconscious and didn't know what's happening. They quickly run after they got Zero.

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Sorry! Guys! If I didn't update this past few days, there's just too much project we're working. And I don't have time to update my story but I'll promise you I'll update twice this week.

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