Chapter 16

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[ CHAPTER 16 : One VS. Two ]

July 22, 2021
3:46 P.M.


-| Zero's POV |-

We're here at the inn and we're thinking if we should go to the blacksmith in this town and craft armors and weapons but I think it's not gonna happen. "Hey, guys do you want to maybe visit a blacksmith?" I said while looking at Damon and Elizabeth lying at the two beds.

"Arrgghhh! I'm tired for now since we just finished fighting a 'Boss Monster' while Elizabeth here is 'slacking' off." He said.

"Well, I'm sorry! If I know that you're gonna enter the cave you should've called me sooner." Elizabeth said while angrily staring at Damon. Why can't just this two get along?

"So now! It's our fault! You sucgfgfggfhs." I blocked his mouth with my hands while he's still talking. "Why don't you two, get along?" I released my hands from his mouth and I think it calmed him down.

"I really don't care about that woman." He said. "Me neither! I don't care about that man!" Elizabeth answered. "Well, you leave me no choice. I guess we will settle this by fighting me." I said.

Damon and Elizabeth stared at each other. "Hell! No!" They both shouted. "Yes! You are!" I tried to convince them everytime and they always refuses but in the end they agreed with me.


"So? You two ready?" I said in excitement. "Yeaaahhh..." They said without energy in their voice. "Okay! Well, here's the only rule! If you touched me or hit me you both win. It doesn't matter if the other one hit me, once you touched me or hit me you BOTH win!" The two just nodded.

"Okay! Let's start! I'll let both of you to attack first!" Damon grins. "That's easy! You! Woman! Don't even get in my way!" Elizabeth didn't answered and just ran towards me. "You damn! Woman!" I saw Elizabeth grinned and she's getting near to me.

"FIRE BOOSTER!" Elizabeth tried to slash me but it didn't hit me because I jumped up avoiding her attack. "GRAAAGHHH!!" Elizabeth continously slashed me while I try to avoid her attacks. "BLIND!" Is that a skill? A sudden light appeared infront of me blinding me but I won't be stopped like this.

"I WIN!" Elizabeth shouted but it's too early to celebrate. Before we even fight I planted my daggers in some of the place here and I think I want to try my new skill now. "BLINK!" I shouted. After a second, the blinding effect wears out and I'm holding my dagger in my left hand. "Wow, this is cool!" I said.

"Hey! I'm over here!" I shouted. "Huh? When did you even get there?" Elizabeth said. "I've still got many up in my sleeves want to try it out? Hehehe!" I teased and I can see Elizabeth geting irritated. Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me.

"No! You won't!" I placed my daggers behind me to block the attack and BINGO! I saw Damon trying so hard to push my daggers with his sword but he couldn't even move it.

"My turn." I faced Damon and he jumped back but he's not going to get away. I threw my left dagger at him and he's readying to dodge it but he can't dodge my attack.

I looked at the dagger that is heading for him and suddenly I felt like the dagger is going so slow. Wait, is this part of the Blink Skill? Well, better try then. "BLINK!" My vision became blurry and I felt my body being warped to another dimension. As I opened my eyes, I'm now holding the flying dagger and I'm LITERALLY ON THE AIR.

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