Chapter 23

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[ CHAPTER 23 : Elizabeth's Soul Stone ]

July 25, 2021
8:35 A.M.


- | Zero's POV | -

"So why did you called us here?" I asked. "Well, you know I obtained my first soul stone yesterday, right?" Oh yeah. In the description yesterday, the prize we got is money, experience and Hydra's scales and Hydra's Soul Stone. Since Elizabeth killed her, she got the Soul Stone.

"I mastered it, yesternight." Elizabeth is awesome, he mastered her Soul Stone in just one night. "Well, can we see it?" Damon asked. "Yeah, thay's why I called you." She said.

"Okay, get ready." She said but before she can even transform. A bunch of bandits appeared, surrounding us.

"Hehe. This is a lucky day. Hand over your items and money's so no one will get hurt." A bandit with a spiky hair and a piercing in his ears said. They look like they're in some kind of band and the only thing they play is rock music haha. That's funny though.

I looked at all of them and I saw the one who bumps at me yesterday. "You." I pointed at the one wearing a cloak and his hair is short. He pointed his self and he looks surprised. "Yeah. You're the one who bumps at me yesterday. Do you mind if I take back what you stole?" I said.

"You're pretty gutsy. I might as well cut off your head. Bitch." He said with disgust in his face.

"Oh really?" I threw my dagger at him and he got paralyzed by how fast I threw it. "BLINK!" I got teleported at my dagger and I pointed my dagger at his neck while holding him in his shoulder. "Now, cut my head." I whispered at him while maintaining my scary voice.

"*Gulp* Tsk. You just got lucky, I didn't move." Oh he's really testing me. "Really, why don't we duel to see who's better?" I said. "Hey, we don't have time to waste on something useless." His comrade said.

"Stay out of this." His comrade stopped speaking and he looks at me. "Okay, I accept your duel." He said. I sent him the duel request and he accepts it.












"You should surrender now before anyone gets hurt." He said. This guy really talks a lot.

I walked gracefully towards him and I gave him a wicked smile which made him uncomfortable. I dropped one of my daggers and he looks at it. I clapped my hands in front of his face which made him surprised. While his movements got delayed, I slashed his neck and made him die instantly. I never thought this technique would work, I watched it on some animè, Assassination Classroom, I guess.

Zero Wins!

"Gah! He killed one of our comrade! Attack him!" They charged towards me and I jumped high in the air and landing behind my team mates.

"Handle those guys, Elizabeth. I'm sure you said you already mastered your Soul Stone then this is your time to show us that Soul of yours." I said. "Okay!" She said.

"Monster of the Sea. Ruler of the Sea Monsters. I call you Sea Hydra! Primary Soul!" Her body suddenly floats in the air and got surrounded by water. The water disappeared and her clothes changed like a yukata, she had a big long sheath for sword at her back and she's holding a long sword. Her hair got tied to and she has a tattoo in her right leg and a long sock at her left leg.

 Her hair got tied to and she has a tattoo in her right leg and a long sock at her left leg

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"Just watch and see." She said. "Her power is overwhelming but with the great force on our side we might be able to kill her. Comrades attack!" The spiky hair said.

"Die, useless players. The kinds of you are not needed here." Elizabeth said wickedly that made some of the bandits to stop charging.

"SEA HYDRA'S FIRST WAVE!" She slashed her big sword in the air and a small wave of water appeared making the bandits to got hit by the rushing water.

"Damn you!" The spiky hair said because half of his men got defeated by the first skill.

"SEA HYDRA'S SEA SLASH!" Her sword got surrounded by water and the water suddenly flows fiercely. "DIE!" She slashed the men charging towards her and the only man standing is the one with a spiky hair.

"AXE CUTTER!" The spiky hair is now holding two axe and he's charging towards Elizabeth.

"SEA HYDRA'S WATER BARRIER!" She said and a water surrounded her making her a barrier. The spiky hair man slashed the barrier again and again but it didn't even made scratch.

"Your wasting your time. SEA HYDRA: EATER!" She pointed the tip of her sword at the bandit and a water surrounded it, forming one of the head of the Hydra. The head of the Hydra charged towards the bandit and eating the bandit without leaving any trace.

"That's some scary skills, Elizabeth." Damon said. "Yeah." Night seconded. "Your power is overwhelming. You can even defeat a Rare Boss using your new power." I said. "Well, I'm still learning new techniques to improve my Soul." She said.

"Well, let's go then. We need to craft some items and we'll leave this city and head towards the capital. I know we're already level 100 but we still need to train some more to make sure we're strong enough to face stronger monsters." I said and we head towards the city.

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