Chapter 9

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[ CHAPTER 9 : Zero VS. Shadow ]

July 20, 2021
7:13 P.M.


-| Zero's POV |-

Ahh... I've been fighting this monster for an hour now but I still hasn't defeated it yet. It's so strong! I need to outplay him but his intelligence is in S Rank. Also, this Dark Mist just made it harder to fight him because of the darkness. Ahh! Sh*t! This monster is so intelligent!

I ran away from the fight and hid behind a giant rock to take a rest because my exhaustion gauge is at it's limit and I also need to replenish my mana because I've been using my spells too much. Ugh! This is frustrating!

I need to clear out my mind and focus on what's happening right now. Hmmm... this Dark Mist is a skill right? If it's a skill, the place that can surround it also has a limit. In that case I need to get out of this Dark Mist and wait for him outside of the dark mist. Since he won't know where will I be because I'm outside of the Dark Mist, I can hide there and ambush him. That's a great plan! Being calm and focus can really help you.

I need to move right now because I can feel the presence of that monster getting near at me. "VANISH!" I became invisible but I think it didn't really help me that much because of this Dark Mist, for sure he still knows where I am but I need to continue running until I'm out of this mist! He heard my footsteps and he quickly chase after me.

I continue running and running and running and running, since my agility is higher than my other skills it really helped me because I didn't get too tired.

Wait! I just realized that I'm finally getting out of this dark mist. Ahh! Finally I can see more clearly. There's no Dark Mist now! I think I outrun that monster because I can't see him at the mist.

There's still time, I need to find a way on how to ambush him. Hmmm... this huge tree I can use it to ambush that monster.

After a moment of waiting for that monster, he finally showed up! I equipped my Crimson Dagger and casts a spell,"FIRE ENHANCEMENT" My Crimson Dagger began to be covered in fire. I need to finish him now before he even realizes he's out of the dark mist.

"YAAAAHHHH!!" I jumped off the huge branch of the tree towards Shadow. "DIE! MONSTER!" I slashed him at his body leaving a critical hit and also the burning effect affects on him.

He's surprised of that attack because he didn't expected it and he finally noticed that he's outside of the dark mist. "THAT'S. WHY. I. CAN'T. SENSE. YOU. ANYMORE. IT'S. BECAUSE. WE'RE. ALREADY. OUTSIDE. OF. THE. MIST." Hehe! I outsmarted you!

"I'll finish this fight! ONCE AND FOR ALL!" I shouted. "FLAME SLASH!" Numerous flame came out of my daggers as I slashed Shadow continously. "DIE!!" I continue slashing him suddenly he dives on the floor. He became one with the floor and he used again the Shadow Trap to catch me but I predicted it. I quickly jumped sidewards to avoid the attack. I know I can't defeat him but I need to try this final move!

I changed my Crimson Daggers into Crimson Sword and I casts a spell, "SWORD STYLE: CRIMSON FLAME BURST!" My sword was now covered in Crimson Fire. It bursts fiercely and I can feel my overwhelming power.

"I'll finish you now!" I said, "YAAAHHHH!!" I thrusts my sword into the ground and the fire that is in my sword transfers to the ground. Burning most of the grass around my area, Shadow was caught by it and he's now burning. His health bar is at the Red Zone.

No! I need to end this now! If not, if he use his Ultimate Skill, it will have a double damage on me but his HP will decrease for 30%.

I charged at him even though my exhaustion gauge is almost at it's limit and my mana is on it's last drop. He's now charging the Dark Orb and it's getting bigger and bigger. Sh*t I don't have much time to slash him I need to use my last skill.

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