Chapter 14

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[ CHAPTER 14 : Red Eye Crow ]

July 22, 2021
2:13 P.M.


-| Zero's POV |-

It's been only a few minutes since we entered this dungeon and we still haven't encounter a single monster. "It's so weird that we haven't even encounter a single monster here and it almost feels like we're just going in circles." I said to Damon.

"Yeah, we also don't know where we're going." Yeah, that's right I think there's something weird going on here. "Hey, your sub-class is Holy Knight right?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" He answered. "Can you use a dispell magic?" Dan just nods. "Okay, I'll try it. I'm not sure if this is gonna work because this is my first time using a healer spell." He said. "That's okay if it isn't successful, I just need you to weaken this magic." I said.

Dan raised his right hand and casted a spell, "PURIFY!" A green light suddenly appeared in his right hand and the darkness in this dungeon began to fades. I looked at Damon and I can see his mana getting depleted one by one rapidly. His left knee began to give up and now kneeling at the ground.

I quickly stopped him because if his mana gets completely depleted. I can't use him in the upcoming battle. "Hey, will you stay here for a little while to replenish you mana because we got some company." Dan just nods. "Good." I looked at the place and it's not so dark as before and some monsters are going out at their hiding place.

"GRRAAAAGHHHHH!!" Small and huge monster are now screaming so loud. Then a VS appeared infront of me, I saw the levels of the monsters and it's ranging to level 40 to 50. "The monsters here are that strong huh?" I murmured.

I equipped my Crimson Daggers and casted a spell. "CRIMSON FLAME ENHANCEMENT!" My daggers are now covered by crimson flames and it's burning fiercely.

Five monsters are gaining on me, they're all level 40 and they're all fairies. "This'll be easy!" I dashed at them and slashed the fairy with a purple wings. He quickly burns after my daggers touched his skin and then he died because of the effect of my spell. "FLAMETHROWER!" Flame began to burst out of my two daggers and I point it to the other fairies that are charging at me then the flame began to hit the fairies burning them alive.

The other monsters are now also charging towards me and they're all trying to hit me but no monster can hit me because of my agility. "You can't kill me! All of you can't!" I went on a rampage mode and even I can't control myself. It's like killing monsters became my habit.

I continued killing all monsters that are charging towards me and no one can even hit me. They're all looks so strong but once you battled them they can't win because they don't have any coordination and that's my advantage.

Suddenly someone shouted a spell. "AIR BARRAGE!" The air suddenly began to move to one direction and is now hitting the monsters rapidly. "Damon, your skills are really awesome." Well, it's time to finish this. "I'll finish all of you!" I shouted.

"CRIMSON FLAME BOOSTER AND CRIMSON FLAME PIERCE!" I dashed to all of the monsters that are infront of me and I pierced all of their heart and they all quickly died. It didn't take me too long to finish all of them but it really made me so exhausted.

I went back to Damon who's now currently waiting for me. "Hey, you really took that long to kill all of them, don't ya?" Damon teased me. "Yeah, yeah! I know! I'm still not that fast and strong!" Damon then laughed at what I said. What's so funny about that?

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