Chapter 11

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[ CHAPTER 11 : Challenged ]

July 21, 2021
3:16 P.M.


-| Zero's POV |-

AHHH! Finally, our sparring ended. We've been sparring for 2 hours and my exhaustion gauge is at it's limit, I'm also hungry.


My stomach is already growling, I really need to eat now or else my health will be depleted bit by bit. "Uhmm... Elizabeth can we eat at the town's inn?" Elizabeth looked at me while polishing her sword then she turned around. "Yeah... but I won't go with you, I still need to finish polishing my sword." Well, atleast I can eat now. "Okay, then. If you want to find me, I'll just be in the inn." She nods then I turned around and walked back to the town.

After a few minutes of walking, I finally reached the inn. "Yes, I'm dying in hunger here! I can finally eat the best meals!" Yeah, in the whole town, Dan's cooking is the most delicious. I think his cooking mastery is off the level.

I stepped in at the inn and walked towards Dan. "Dan! Can I order your Ultimate Meal!" I shouted, "Just a second!" After a few minutes of waiting at my food, Dan finally served it to me and I can smell the delicious food. "Here, is your Ultimate Meal. Enjoy!" I grabbed my spoon and fork and ate it without stopping suddenly I heard someone footsteps getting near me.

I equipped my Crimson dagger, as I turned around to slash the guy behind me, he already deflected my attack and my daggers flew away from me. As I saw who deflected my attack, my jaw dropped. It's a huge guy with a brown beard and it's wearing an armor. "Who's the one, who killed the boss at the raid." But no one inside the inn spoke, suddenly the huge guy grabbed me and point his sharp sword at my neck. "Whoa! Chill!" I said to him but he didn't even noticed me. "Tell me or I'll cut the throat of this guy." Then the players inside the inn point their fingers at me.

"Don't mess with me or I'll be sure to kill this guy!" He's now trying to push his sword in my neck. "Grrrr!" I need to move now or I'm sure I'll be killed by this guy. "VANISH" I became invisible and I slowly slip under his huge arms. He's surprised that I escaped and I think he's gonna rampage now because he's frustrated that I escaped his huge arms.

He's now destroying the inn. I need to stop him now, so he can't cause any troubles again. I equipped my Crimson Sword, "This sword really feels great now." I charged at him and casted a spell, "SWORD STYLE: CRIMSON FLAME BURST!" I'm getting near at him and I think he noticed my presence because he faced at my way.

"SLASH WAVE!" He slashed his sword at my way even though I'm still that far from him. Then something came out at his sword after he swung it. It's an air and I think he transferred he's power into the air so his attack can reach me.

"URGHH!" His attack hits me at my stomach and I stopped running towards him. He'll pay for this! Then we both charged to each other. Suddenly I heard a spell casted, "ICE FROST!" something touched me on the ground and I can't move my both legs. I saw the huge guy and he also has the same situation. Who the hell did this?! "BOTH OF YOU! IF YOU WANT TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR PERSONAL BUSINESS! GO OUT AND FIGHT OUTSIDE! YOU WON'T EVEN PAY FOR THE DAMAGE YOU'VE CAUSED AT MY INN!" It's Dan, he just lectured us and I saw his face, it's so serious.

I slowly moved my legs and I'm finally free from that Ice. "Hey! Zero! Follow me outside, I'll fight you there! Fair and square." Whoa! Now the big guy is talking huh? Since I have no choice, I might as well fight him so he'll stop rampaging.

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